In: Biology
5 Briefly describe the functions of the parts of the brain listed in the table below.
6 List the parts some of the cranial nerves innervate and the functions they control:
What would happen if Vagus (NX) nerve is cut?
Which of the above listed nerves are sensory only?
Which of the above listed nerves are mixed nerves?
5. a. Medulla oblongata: It mainly control involuntary responses like breathing, sneezing, blood vessel function , swallowing etc and also control the organ system like cirrculation, respiration, digestion etc.
b.pons: it act as a bridge between cerebrum and cerebellum. It controls sleep, hearing, facial expressions, sensations etc also play the role in breathing
c.Thalamus: It play role in developement of the outside part of the body. All the sensations (sensory impulses) are being received by the thalamus which later relayed to cerebral cortex and decoded whether it is a pleasure or pain etc
d. Hypothalamus: It contrrol the entire endocrine system. It is a link between endocrine and nervous system via pituitary gland. Functions like internal development of the body - body temperature, sleep, sexual development etc
e. Ventricles: It consist of ependymal cells which are responsible for the production of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)
f. Pituitary gland: Its primarily function is to release certain hormones which in turn control may processes of body functions like growth, reproduction, and the conservation of water etc are being regulated by pitutary hormones.
6. Cranial nerve Innervate Function
Olfactory olfactory epithelium It is related to the functioning of smell
optic Retina Vision
Oculomotor ciliary muscles of eye ball movement of eye ball, accomodation
Trochlear superior oblique muscle of the eye movement of eye ball
Trigeminal face, scalp etc sensation in the face and motor functions such as biting
vestibulocochlear Ear (Cochlea) Hearing, balance
Vagus Pharynx, larynx, Thoracic, palate speech, swallow, general sensatio etc
abdominal viscera etc
If vagus nerve is cut: Reduce vitamin B12 absorption; parasympathetic functioning of heart will reduce i,e heart rate will increase.
Sensory nerves: olfactory. optic and vestibulocochlear
Mixed nerves: Vagus, oculomotor, Trigeminal