
In: Computer Science

Write in java Let's assume I go a restaurant, List of meals such as breakfast and...

Write in java

Let's assume I go a restaurant, List of meals such as breakfast and lunch and dinner is displayed to me

I can pick breakfast, lunch, and dinner after I pick any of the breakfast lunch and dinner, a list of food/prices offered for breakfast is shown

so I will see the breakfast menu such an egg, milk and their prices,

after that I pick milk.

then I am asked to two more sides from the menu which will display the meal again, I pick one from the meal, and it shows what is offered in the mealtime,

I pick that food/price too.

then I will have a subtotal and total.

Something like this

Meal> Breakfast lunch and dinner

Lunch> Rice 2.99 Beans5.99

Output: you have picked rice2.99 for lunch

Add two more sides

Meal> breakfast, Lunch and dinner

Dinner> Chinese soup 3.99, Indian soup 2.99

Indian soup 2.99

Output: Side 1 is indian soup, please select one more side:

meal> breakfast lunch and dinner

breakfast> scrambled eggs 2.99, Milk 2.44


Output your side 2 is milk 2.44

Your subtotal is

and total is


Expert Solution

Java Code:

package mealpackage;

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Meal {
   //Initializing constants for the class
   static Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
   static int mealchoice;
   static int side1;
   static int side2;
   static String breakfast[] = {"Scrambled Egg", "Milk"};
   static String lunch[] = {"Rice", "Beans"};
   static String dinner[] = {"Chicken Soup", "Indian Soup"};
   static double breafastPrices[] = {2.99, 2.44};
   static double lunchPrice[] = {2.99, 5.99};
   static double dinnerPrices[] = {3.99, 2.99};
   //Main method
   public static void main(String[] args) {
       //Variable to store user choice of meal
       String userChoice;
       System.out.println("Enter the meal of your choice");
       System.out.println("1. Breakfast, 2. Lunch, 3. Dinner");
       userChoice =;
       //Display the meals
       System.out.println("1. Breakfast, 2. Lunch, 3. Dinner");
       userChoice =;
       //Display the side 1
       System.out.println("1. Breakfast, 2. Lunch, 3. Dinner");
       userChoice =;
       //Display the side 2
       //Calculate the total
   static void displayMeals(String userChoice) {
       //Show breakfast, lunch or dinner item to the user
       if(userChoice.toLowerCase().equals("breakfast") || userChoice.toLowerCase().equals("1")) {
           System.out.println("Breakfast items are: ");
           //We get the choice of item in another function
           pickMainMeal(breakfast, breafastPrices);
       }else if(userChoice.toLowerCase().equals("lunch") || userChoice.toLowerCase().equals("2")) {
           System.out.println("Lunch items are: ");
           pickMainMeal(lunch, lunchPrice);
       }else if(userChoice.toLowerCase().equals("dinner") || userChoice.toLowerCase().equals("3")) {
           System.out.println("Dinner items are: ");
           pickMainMeal(dinner, dinnerPrices);
   static void displaySide1(String userChoice) {
       //Show breakfast, lunch or dinner item to the user
       if(userChoice.toLowerCase().equals("breakfast") || userChoice.toLowerCase().equals("1")) {
           System.out.println("Breakfast items are: ");
           //We get the choice of item in another function
           pickSide1(breakfast, breafastPrices);
       }else if(userChoice.toLowerCase().equals("lunch") || userChoice.toLowerCase().equals("2")) {
           System.out.println("Lunch items are: ");
           pickSide1(lunch, lunchPrice);
       }else if(userChoice.toLowerCase().equals("dinner") || userChoice.toLowerCase().equals("3")) {
           System.out.println("Dinner items are: ");
           pickSide1(dinner, dinnerPrices);
   static void displaySide2(String userChoice) {
       //Show breakfast, lunch or dinner item to the user
       if(userChoice.toLowerCase().equals("breakfast") || userChoice.toLowerCase().equals("1")) {
           System.out.println("Breakfast items are: ");
           //We get the choice of item in another function
           pickSide2(breakfast, breafastPrices);
       }else if(userChoice.toLowerCase().equals("lunch") || userChoice.toLowerCase().equals("2")) {
           System.out.println("Lunch items are: ");
           pickSide2(lunch, lunchPrice);
       }else if(userChoice.toLowerCase().equals("dinner") || userChoice.toLowerCase().equals("3")) {
           System.out.println("Dinner items are: ");
           pickSide2(dinner, dinnerPrices);
//Show the items and get the choice of item from the user
   static void pickMainMeal(String meal[], double mealPrices[]) {
       for(int i=0; i<meal.length; i++ ) {
           System.out.println((i+1) + ". " + meal[i] + ": " + mealPrices[i]);
       mealchoice = sc.nextInt();
       //Display the main meal picked
       System.out.println("You have picked " + meal[mealchoice-1] + ": " + mealPrices[mealchoice-1]);
       System.out.println("Add two more sides: ");
   //Show the items and get the choice of item from the user
   static void pickSide1(String meal[], double mealPrices[]) {
       for(int i=0; i<meal.length; i++ ) {
           System.out.println((i+1) + ". " + meal[i] + ": " + mealPrices[i]);
       side1 = sc.nextInt();
       //Display Side1
       System.out.println("Side 1 is " + meal[side1-1] + ", please select one more side: ");
   //Show the items and get the choice of item from the user
   static void pickSide2(String meal[], double mealPrices[]) {
       for(int i=0; i<meal.length; i++ ) {
           System.out.println((i+1) + ". " + meal[i] + ": " + mealPrices[i]);
       side2 = sc.nextInt();
       //Display side2
       System.out.println("You side 2 is " + meal[side2-1]);
   static void subTotal() {
       //Calculate and display the subtotal
       System.out.println("Your subtotal is: " + (breafastPrices[mealchoice-1] + lunchPrice[mealchoice-1] + dinnerPrices[mealchoice-1]));
       System.out.println("Your total is: " + (breafastPrices[mealchoice-1] + lunchPrice[mealchoice-1] + dinnerPrices[mealchoice-1]));


Sample Output:

Enter the meal of your choice
1. Breakfast, 2. Lunch, 3. Dinner
Breakfast items are:
1. Scrambled Egg: 2.99
2. Milk: 2.44
You have picked Milk: 2.44
Add two more sides:

1. Breakfast, 2. Lunch, 3. Dinner
Lunch items are:
1. Rice: 2.99
2. Beans: 5.99
Side 1 is Rice, please select one more side:

1. Breakfast, 2. Lunch, 3. Dinner
Dinner items are:
1. Chicken Soup: 3.99
2. Indian Soup: 2.99
You side 2 is Chicken Soup

Your subtotal is: 11.42
Your total is: 11.42

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