
In: Operations Management

Question 1 Given the five driving forces propelling greater interest in CSR (see Ch. 4), research/find...

Question 1 Given the five driving forces propelling greater interest in CSR (see Ch. 4), research/find real-life examples to illustrate why you agree or disagree with the textbook's points. What new emerging forces do you see that may reshape CSR in the future? (10 pts) Question 2 What is the correct role of a media channel in a democratic society? Are the media there to police society's institutions and hold them accountable based on their own biases and political agendas? Or are they there to report the news objectively without taking sides. Use moral, logical, and economic arguments to support your viewpoint. From what you know of CNBC, did they perform well or badly in terms of reporting before, during and after the 2007-2009 financial crisis? (5 pts)


Expert Solution

Answer 1) For the most part the media is viewed as the fourth bequest in the public eye, with the others being the pastorate, the honorability and the common people.

Notwithstanding whether you call it CSR, corporate duty, ecological, social and corporate administration (ESG) or supportability, a typical comprehension is developing far and wide: an organization's long haul money related achievement runs as an inseparable unit with its record on social obligation, natural stewardship and corporate morals.

What started as specially appointed harm control reactions by business to natural mischances, debasement outrages or allegations of kid work in supply chains, has developed into a proactive, cognizant worldwide development.

A few major patterns that may reshape the CSR in the future can be:

1. Straightforwardness

Similarly as with mechanical change, straightforwardness is an irreversible power. Detailing and revelation will without a doubt keep on growing, driven by ever-bring down hindrances to data get to, higher open intrigue and administrative changes.

2. Trust

The regularly developing effect of business on society implies that nationals and customers anticipate that corporate power will be applied mindfully. This implies being proactive and exhaustive in how an organization sees its obligations and effects on society, and after that demonstrating how it oversees tasks as needs be.

3. Group investment

Business is relied upon to accomplish more in territories that used to be the restrictive space of general society area – extending from wellbeing and instruction, to group venture and natural stewardship. Organizations that work together with researchers, common society and open controllers and show at an opportune time that they are a piece of the arrangement will win out over the competition.

4. Getting to new markets dependably

Business is moving from asset taker to advertise manufacturer. With monetary development relocating southward and eastbound, outside direct venture is winding up additional about building and accessing new markets and less about just abusing ease inputs. Conquering boundaries to development, for example, common brutality, uneducated workforce and unsustainable wellsprings of vitality, water, minerals and soil is currently in light of a legitimate concern for business.

5. Activities to connect with organizations

Means for taking part in corporate supportability are ample and developing. Activities, guidelines and consultancies are blasting at national and worldwide levels

For business, ecological, social and administration duties are never again additional items. They are indispensable to progress. While the considerable larger part of organizations still can't seem to focus on this direction, there is a solid upward development bend in effectively drew in organizations, with a vanguard making genuine move in every single key market.

In the event that the media does it's activity right and in an independant way, these methods a straightforward government. The legislature can't get things done behind the backs of the general population since media snoops can get the story either through examination or informants, and uncover what is extremely going ahead to people in general.

The media guarantees straightforwardness so individuals can't be duped and can settle on proper choices with regards to the course of their legislature.

On the off chance that the media does it's activity appropriately that is, unfortunately much media is possessed by exceptionally rich people (the honorability) and that makes an inclination in how stories are secured. This transforms the media into a weapon against majority rules system by controlling individuals. Similarly, the administration can employ the media against the general population by utilizing the media to cover their demonstrations. This is the reason having bunches of news outlets that are autonomous is basic, harder to control. Likewise, having other country's media examine can be essential and additionally it gives outside point of view and holds the inside nation's media under tight restraints. Media done right ensures individuals and closures dictators. Media, especially assorted and autonomous media, is important to majority rule government.

Answer 2) In the event that the media does it's activity right and in an independant way, these methods a straightforward government. The legislature can't get things done behind the backs of the general population since media snoops can get the story either through examination or informants, and uncover what is extremely going ahead to people in general. In a majority rule government, this is essential in light of the fact that a vote based system where the term actually signifies "energy to the general population", the media is the beware of the administration that could conceivably employ control against the general population, different nations, or minority gatherings. The media guarantees straightforwardness so individuals can't be tricked and can settle on suitable choices with regards to the course of their administration.

In the event that the media does it's activity legitimately that is, unfortunately much media is possessed by exceptionally rich people (the respectability) and that makes an inclination in how stories are secured. This transforms the media into a weapon against majority rule government by controlling individuals. Moreover, the administration can use the media against the general population by utilizing the media to cover their demonstrations. This is the reason having heaps of news outlets that are autonomous is basic, harder to control. Additionally, having other country's media explore can be critical and in addition it gives outside point of view and holds the inner nation's media under tight restraints. This is the reason the term lügenpresse, lying press, was utilized by Hitler to subvert popular government and give him control. Counterfeit news is a concerning term to hear in present day society. Media done right ensures individuals and closures dictators. Media, especially assorted and free media, is important to majority rule government.

Regarding CNBC whether it took the right steps during 2007 – 2008 crisis, what can be stated is At the point when Robert Gibbs was gotten some information about Jon Stewart's flame broiling of CNBC "Frantic Money" have Jim Cramer, the White House squeeze secretary flashed a grin, and told columnists that he "appreciated it completely."

Gibbs response to the Thursday "Day by day Show" meet isn't amazing, given that he and President Barack Obama have been whining a ton of late about the background noise "link babble" amidst money related emergency. Yet, is people in general likewise prepared to block out the talking heads?

Media faultfinders, in any event, appear to be. Assortment declared Thursday's "Day by day Show" meet — which took after an eight-minute monolog a week ago in which Stewart bashed CNBC for "shabby populism" and terrible forecasts — "the most absurd appearance by somebody whose name seemed like 'Cramer' since 'Seinfeld' went off the air," while others called it "a beat-down" (The Chicago Tribune); "a slaughter" (Huffington Post); and an "astounding open administration [in] gutting Cramer" (The Baltimore Sun). A specific measure of Schadenfreude could be normal when the loudest person in the room hushes up, and acknowledges fault — and Cramer confessed to being "incorrectly" four times on Thursday night. In any case, a significant part of the heaping on appeared to be less about Cramer than about how link news — and especially link business news — covers genuine points in what are, for most Americans, genuine circumstances.

The never exposure bashful Cramer avoided a planned appearance Friday on "Morning Joe" that was charged as his first opportunity to talk about the "Day by day Show" banter about; have Joe Scarborough noted on Twitter that Cramer "had a late night." And TVNewser detailed that MSNBC requested that makers leave the Stewart-Cramer meet out of their shows, with CNBC has likewise saying little in regards to the meeting. That is a long ways from CNBC's underlying response to Rick Santelli's rage on the floor of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange a month ago. Around then, the business organize — and also NBC and MSNBC — kept advertising the occurrence for a considerable length of time, while the CNBC site featured exemplary Santelli tirades — before the correspondent, who now is by all accounts to some degree under wraps, crossed out a planned meeting on "The Daily Show."

The undeniably stubborn dispatches from CNBC's stars parallels MSNBC's day of work amid the 2008 crusade to all the more forcefully obstinate analysis, and could also eclipse the genuine revealing done by the business system's general population. All things considered, Roush fights that consolidating conclusion into providing details regarding business not the same as doing likewise with political scope. And keeping in mind that political visualizations are more subjective, Cramer talking up Bear Stearns stock days before it tanks is a quantifiable slip-up.

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