In: Biology
difference between 19th century marriage by Kate chopin and todays marriage
Marriage is the joining of two people as husband and wives according to law and customs .In our society ,today women get married of their own free will and gain respect from their spouse. Ideal marriages marriages in the 19 th century were very hard to achieve and most of the time without true love.
A Gre at example of a 19th century marriage is in "The Story of an hour" by Kate is the story of Mrs Louise mallard.she has some kind of serious heart problem, and she has just been told her husband ,Brent ly was killed in an accident. Of course Louise intially cannot contain her grief.Soon, she goes to her room to rest and contemplate this life altering news.The marriage between Louise and Brently had not been unhappy.he was a proffesional man.and he believed that Louisee had to be watched and cared for because of her illness. Louise probably would have described it as smothered and mothered.Louise knows that her husband loves her.Louise does have feelings for her husband. In fact sometimes she love him, sometime doesn't .Brently apparently had complete control over Louise .but his intentions was to protect her.she thinks that all women and men oppress one another even if do it out of was a crime to impose one person's will on another person.she knew she would cry for Brently again when she sees him in his coffin.she knew she would cry when she saw the kind, tender handside folded in death.The one thing that Louise absolutely sure of is her desire for freedom: from her marriage, from the confinement for her illness,to do whatever she wanted.This she describeso as a Montrous joy because it comes from her husband 'so death but her complete happiness to be free.Nothing really matters because in the end Louise is shocked by brently's return and her loss of freedom, she fell down to the floor dead from her heart disease.As chopin states she died from the Joy that kills.
In 19 th century standad's, the marriages were typical. The man ruled the home and the marriage.The woman'a purpose was to take care of the house and serve man in all ways.They had no voice.They had to do whatever they asked to do by their husbands.But now things are changed, women also have voice in their matriage. They have equal rightA. They raise their voice if any thing wrong happeneds.