The director of a Masters of Public Administration Program is preparing a brochure to promote the...

The director of a Masters of Public Administration Program is preparing a brochure to promote the

program. She would like to include in the brochure the average grade point average (GPA) of first-

year students in the program, but since time is pressing she decides to estimate this figure with a

sample of ten students (GPAs are normally distributed). The GPAs are listed below. What is the best

estimate of the average GPA for all first-year students? With 95% confidence, can the director

conclude the average GPAs for first-year students is a B or better (3.0 on a 4.0 scale)?











In: Math

In a recent issue of Consumer Reports, Consumers Union reported on their investigation of bacterial contamination...

In a recent issue of Consumer Reports, Consumers Union reported on their investigation of bacterial contamination in packages of name brand chicken sold in supermarkets.

Packages of Tyson and Perdue chicken were purchased. Laboratory tests found campylobacter contamination in 35 of the 75 Tyson packages and 22 of the 75 Perdue packages.

Question 1. Find 90% confidence intervals for the proportion of Tyson packages with contamination and the proportion of Perdue packages with contamination (use 3 decimal places in your answers).

lower bound of Tyson interval
upper bound of Tyson interval
lower bound of Perdue interval
upper bound of Perdue interval

Question 2. The confidence intervals in question 1 overlap. What does this suggest about the difference in the proportion of Tyson and Perdue packages that have bacterial contamination? One submission only; no exceptions

The overlap suggests that there is no significant difference in the proportions of packages of Tyson and Perdue chicken with bacterial contamination.

Even though there is overlap, Tyson's sample proportion is higher than Perdue's so clearly Tyson has the greater true proportion of contaminated chicken.    

Question 3. Find the 90% confidence interval for the difference in the proportions of Tyson and Perdue chicken packages that have bacterial contamination (use 3 decimal places in your answers).

lower bound of confidence interval
upper bound of confidence interval

Question 4. What does this interval suggest about the difference in the proportions of Tyson and Perdue chicken packages with bacterial contamination? One submission only; no exceptions

Tyson's sample proportion is higher than Perdue's so clearly Tyson has the greater true proportion of contaminated chicken.

Natural sampling variation is the only reason that Tyson appears to have a higher proportion of packages with bacterial contamination.    

We are 90% confident that the interval in question 3 captures the true difference in proportions, so it appears that Tyson chicken has a greater proportion of packages with bacterial contamination than Perdue chicken.

Question 5. The results in questions 2 and 4 seem contradictory. Which method is correct: doing two-sample inference, or doing one-sample inference twice? One submission only; no exceptions

one-sample inference twice

two-sample inference    

Question 6. Why don't the results agree? 2 submission only; no exceptions

Different methods were used in the two samples to detect bacterial contamination.

The one- and two-sample procedures for analyzing the data are equivalent; the results differ in this problem only because of natural sampling variation.    

If you attempt to use two confidence intervals to assess a difference between proportions, you are adding standard deviations. But it's the variances that add, not the standard deviations. The two-sample difference-of-proportions procedure takes this into account.

Tyson chicken is sold in less sanitary supermarkets.

In: Math

Use R to complete the following questions. You should include your R code, output and plots...

Use R to complete the following questions. You should include your R code, output and plots in your answer.

Two methods of generating a standard normal random variable are:

a. Take the sum of 5 uniform (0,1) random numbers and scale to have mean 0 and standard deviation 1. (Use the properties of the uniform distribution to determine the required transformation).

b. Generate a standard uniform and then apply inverse cdf function to obtain a normal random variate (Hint: use qnorm).


For each method generate 10,000 random numbers and check the distribution using

a. Normal probability plot

b. Mean and standard deviation

c. The proportion of the data lying within the theoretical 2.5 and 97.5 percentiles and the 0.5 and 99.5 percentiles. (Hint: The ifelse function will be useful)

In: Math

Suppose a hypertension trial is mounted and 18 participants are randomly assigned to one of the...

Suppose a hypertension trial is mounted and 18 participants are randomly assigned to one of the comparison treatments. Each participant takes the assigned medication and their systolic blood pressure (SBP) is recorded after 6 months on the assigned treatment. Is there a difference in mean SBP among the three treatment groups at the 5% significance level? The data are as follows.  

Standard Treatment


New Treatment



















What is total variance (or as what it's called in ANOVA, "MStotal")?


A. 13.8

B.   189.6

C. 3222.9

D. 179.1

In: Math

A child development specialist is interested in learning if a new learning program increases students’ memory....

A child development specialist is interested in learning if a new learning program increases students’ memory. 15 Subjects learned a list of 50 words. Learning performance was measured using a recall test. Students were initially tested and then tested again after using the new program. Below is the number of words remembered by each student.

Student #                    Score 1                  Score 2

         1                              24                           26          

                2                              17                           24

                3                              32                           31

                4                              14                           17

                5                              16                           17

                6                              22                           25

                7                              26                           25

                8                              19                           24

                9                              19                           22

               10                             22                           23

              11                          21                           26

              12                             25                           28

             13                             16                           19

            14                         24                           23

            15                           18                           22

Did the learning program significantly improve the student’s ability to recall words? Report standard error of means, df, obtained and critical t, and whether you would accept or reject the null hypothesis.

In: Math

Iconic memory is a type of memory that holds visual information for about half a second...

Iconic memory is a type of memory that holds visual information for about half a second (0.5 seconds). To demonstrate this type of memory, participants were shown three rows of four letters for 50 milliseconds. They were then asked to recall as many letters as possible, with a 0-, 0.5-, or 1.0-second delay before responding. Researchers hypothesized that longer delays would result in poorer recall. The number of letters correctly recalled is given in the table.

Delay Before Recall
0 0.5 1
6 5 7
13 2 2
10 10 5
7 5 5
8 8 4
10 6 1

(a) Complete the F-table. (Round your values for MS and F to two decimal places.)

Source of Variation SS df MS F
Between groups
Within groups (error)

(b) Compute Tukey's HSD post hoc test and interpret the results. (Assume alpha equal to 0.05. Round your answer to two decimal places.)

The critical value is_______ for each pairwise comparison.

Which of the comparisons had significant differences? (Select all that apply.)

A.) The null hypothesis of no difference should be retained because none of the pairwise comparisons demonstrate a significant difference.

B.) Recall following no delay was significantly different from recall following a half second delay.

C.) Recall following a half second delay was significantly different from recall following a one second delay.

D.) Recall following no delay was significantly different from recall following a one second delay.

In: Math

People claim that women say more words per day than men. Estimates claim that a woman...

  1. People claim that women say more words per day than men. Estimates claim that a woman uses roughly 20,000 words per day, while a man uses approximately 7,000. To investigate this, a researcher recorded conversations of male college students over a 5-day period. The results are as follows:

















The researcher believes that many use more than 7,000 words per day.

  1. State the problem in your own words.
  2. Create a plan for testing the researcher’s claim. Be sure to state the null and alternate hypotheses.
  3. Carry out the appropriate hypothesis test. Begin by finding the sample mean and standard deviation. Give the value of the t statistic and give the p-value (or an estimate).
  4. Formulate the statistical conclusion in terms of the null hypothesis and a practical conclusion. You may compare the p-value to 0.05 to determine if the null hypothesis should be rejected. When the p-value is less than 0.05, we reject the null hypothesis. Otherwise, we fail to reject the null.

In: Math

Many high school students take the SAT's twice; once in their Junior year and once in...

Many high school students take the SAT's twice; once in their Junior year and once in their Senior year. The Senior year scores (x) and associated Junior year scores (y) are given in the table below. This came from a random sample of 35 students. Use this data to test the claim that retaking the SAT increases the score on average by more than 25 points. Test this claim at the 0.10 significance level.

(a) The claim is that the mean difference (x - y) is greater than 25 (μd > 25). What type of test is this?

This is a two-tailed test.This is a left-tailed test.    This is a right-tailed test.

(b) What is the test statistic? Round your answer to 2 decimal places.



(c) Use software to get the P-value of the test statistic. Round to 4 decimal places.
P-value =

(d) What is the conclusion regarding the null hypothesis?

reject H0fail to reject H0    

(e) Choose the appropriate concluding statement.

The data supports the claim that retaking the SAT increases the score on average by more than 25 points.There is not enough data to support the claim that retaking the SAT increases the score on average by more than 25 points.    We reject the claim that retaking the SAT increases the score on average by more than 25 points.We have proven that retaking the SAT increases the score on average by more than 25 points.

Senior Score (x) Junior Score (y) (x - y)
1265 1238 27
1150 1110 40
1225 1174 51
1081 1070 11
1264 1224 40
1220 1205 15
1108 1102 6
1321 1274 47
1317 1264 53
1177 1167 10
1102 1063 39
1291 1252 39
1235 1195 40
1091 1060 31
1097 1062 35
1101 1073 28
1278 1222 56
1214 1187 27
1100 1061 39
1101 1066 35
1240 1217 23
1216 1183 33
1120 1091 29
1295 1273 22
1131 1095 36
1293 1263 30
1174 1122 52
1212 1193 19
1124 1116 8
1114 1084 30
1109 1087 22
1177 1134 43
1151 1076 75
1289 1267 22
1061 1064 -3

In: Math

The mean and standard deviation of the lifetimes of 9 randomly selected Duracell batteries are 42...

The mean and standard deviation of the lifetimes of 9 randomly selected Duracell batteries are 42 days and 20 days, respectively. The mean and standard deviation of the lifetimes of 11 randomly selected Eveready batteries are 45 days and 17 days, respectively. Suppose that the lifetime of a Duracell battery has NORM(μ_X,σ^2 ) and the lifetime of an Eveready battery has NORM(μ_Y,σ^2 ).

a) Find an unbiased estimate of σ^2.

b) Calculate an 96% confidence interval for μ_X-μ_Y.

c) Test whether the mean lifetime of all Duracell batteries is less than the mean lifetime of all Eveready batteries. State the null and alternative hypotheses, determine the critical region, make a decision based on α=0.05 and write your conclusion.

In: Math

Are all colors equally likely for Milk Chocolate M&M's? Data collected from a bag of Milk...

Are all colors equally likely for Milk Chocolate M&M's? Data collected from a bag of Milk Chocolate M&M's are provided.

Blue            Brown        Green          Orange       Red          Yellow

110                   47               52                 103            58                50

a. State the null and alternative hypotheses for testing if the colors are not all equally likely for Milk Chocolate M&M's.

b. If all colors are equally likely, how many candies of each color (in a bag of 420 candies) would we expect to see?

c. Is a chi-square test appropriate in this situation? Explain briefly.

d. How many degrees of freedom are there?

A) 2 B) 3 C) 4 D) 5

e. Calculate the chi-square test statistic. Report your answer with three decimal places.

f. Report the p-value for your test. What conclusion can be made about the color distribution for Milk Chocolate M&M's? Use a 5% significance level.

g. Which color contributes the most to the chi-square test statistic? For this color, is the observed count smaller or larger than the expected count?

In: Math

Assume that a sample is used to estimate a population proportion p. Find the 99.9% confidence...

Assume that a sample is used to estimate a population proportion p. Find the 99.9% confidence interval for a sample of size 199 with 121 successes. Enter your answer as an open-interval (i.e., parentheses) using decimals (not percents) accurate to three decimal places.

99.9% C.I. =

Answer should be obtained without any preliminary rounding. However, the critical value may be rounded to 3 decimal places.

In: Math

The proportion of adult women in a certain geographical region is approximately 51​%. A marketing survey...

The proportion of adult women in a certain geographical region is approximately 51​%. A marketing survey telephones 400 people at random. Complete parts a through e below.

How would the confidence interval change if the confidence level had been 90​% instead of 98​%?

In: Math

Situation: The Ipod Touch has been out for two years now and a lot of data...

Situation: The Ipod Touch has been out for two years now and a lot of data has been collected.

Relevant Relationship:
There is a functional relationship between Price of an IPod Touch,pp and Weekly Demand,ss.
Below is a table of data that have been collected

Price,pp,($) Weekly Demand,ss,(1,000s)
150 210
170 209
190 199
210 186
230 184
250 176

A.. Find the linear model that best fits this data using regression and enter the model below
(for entry round the linear parameter value to nearest 0.01 and constant parameter to nearest 1)

Now answer these two questions using the UNROUNDED model parameters

B. What does the model predict will be the weekly demand if the price of an ipod touch is $249 ?  (nearest 100)

C. According to the model at what should the price be set in order to have a weekly demand of 189,600 ipod Touches? $ (nearest $1)

In: Math

Let X1, X2, X3, X4, X5 be independent continuous random variables having a common cdf F...

Let X1, X2, X3, X4, X5 be independent continuous random variables having a common cdf F and pdf f, and set p=P(X1 <X2 <X3 < X4 < X5).

(i) Show that p does not depend on F. Hint: Write I as a five-dimensional integral and make the change of variables ui = F(xi), i = 1,··· ,5.

(ii) Evaluate p.
(iii) Give an intuitive explanation for your answer to (ii).

In: Math

(Similar to Ghahramani Section 3.4, Problems 6, 8, and 14) Three black boxes are labeled with...

(Similar to Ghahramani Section 3.4, Problems 6, 8, and 14) Three black boxes are labeled with Roman numerals I, II and III.

• Box I contains four red chips and three blue chips.

• Box II contains two red chips and five blue chips.

• Box III contains seven red chips and no blue chips. Solve each of the following problems.

(a) Suppose a box is selected at random and three chips are drawn at random from the box. If all three chips are red, what is the probability they were drawn from Box I?

(b) Suppose one chip is selected at random from each box. If two of the three chips drawn are red chips, what is the probability that the chip drawn from Box II was red?

(c) Suppose three chips are randomly selected from Box I and placed in Box III. If a chip subsequently drawn randomly from Box III is blue, what is the probability that all three chips moved from Box I to Box III were blue.

In: Math