A researcher studied the effects of three experimental diets with varying fat contents on the total...

A researcher studied the effects of three experimental diets with varying fat contents on

the total lipid (fat) level in plasma. Total lipid level is a widely used predictor of coronary heart disease.

Fifteen male subjects who were within 20 percent of their ideal body weight were grouped into five

blocks according to age. Within each block, the three experimental diets were randomly assigned to the

three subjects. Data on reduction in lipid level (in grams per liter) after the subjects were on the diet for

a fixed period of time follow.

Fat Content of Diet

Block j=1 j=2 j=3
i Extremely Low Fairly Low Moderately Low
1 Ages 15-24 .73 .67 .15
2 Ages 25-34 .86 .75 .21
3 Ages 35-44 .94 .81 .26
4 Ages 45-54 1.40 1.32 .75
5 Ages 55-64 1.62 1.41 .78

How would I obtain an analysis of variance table and test whether or not the mean reductions in lipid levels differ for the three diets using alpha(a = .05)?

In: Math

   1.   Suppose that cans of creamed corn are produced in a normal distribution so that the...

   1.   Suppose that cans of creamed corn are produced in a normal distribution so that the average net content weight is 16.00 ounces per can, with a deviation of 0.12 ounces. What is the probability that a sample of 36 cans would have an average net content weight less than 15.91 ounces? Would this be an unusual or not unusal average weight for the sample?


2.   Suppose that cans of creamed corn are produced in a normal distribution so that the average net content weight is 16.00 ounces per can, with a deviation of 0.12 ounces. What is the third quintile for sample averages from  samples of 36 cans? (nearest thousandth)


3.   Suppose a 98% confidence interval is needed for the average weight of these cans of creamed corn is needed, because someone thinks the average is not the 16 ounces it was supposed to be. If this interval is to have a margin of error of  0.02 oz, how many data points will be needed for the new sample?

4.   Suppose that cans of creamed corn were supposed to be  produced so that the average net content weight is 16.00 ounces per can. However, a sample of 64 weights yields an average of 15. 953 ounces and a deviation of 0.0762 ounces. Use this sample information to create a 98% confidence interval for the population mean (round to the nearest thousandth of an ounce)

In: Math

Can a six-month exercise program increase the total body bone mineral content (TBBMC) of young women?...

Can a six-month exercise program increase the total body bone mineral content (TBBMC) of young women?
That is, we are interested in determining if the exercise program is beneficial, i.e., the mean percent change is positive.

Assume a sample of 25 subjects is taken.

A team of researchers is planning a study to examine this question.
Based on the results, they are willing to assume that σ = 2 for the percent change in TBBMC over the six- month period.
They also believe that a change in TBBMC of 1% is important, so they would like to have a reasonable chance of detecting a change this large or larger.

Calculate the power of this test.

In: Math

Use the step by step procedures: Social scientists have long been interested in the relationship between...

Use the step by step procedures: Social scientists have long been interested in the relationship between economic development and health. To gain some insight into this relationship, we can utilize data on the life expectancy of females from birth and GDP per capita. you’ll find data from 91 countries. Use the data in the sheet entitled “Part 2 Question 9” to calculate and interpret the correlation coefficient.

600 75.5
2250 74.7
2980 77.7
2780 73.8
1690 75.7
1640 72.4
2242 74.0
1880 75.9
1320 74.8
2370 72.7
630 55.4
2680 67.6
1940 75.1
1260 69.2
980 67.6
330 66.1
1110 68.5
1160 66.5
2560 74.9
2560 72.8
2490 66.0
15540 76.8
26040 78.7
22080 77.7
19490 80.5
22320 78.4
5990 74.0
9550 76.7
16830 78.6
17320 79.9
23120 75.7
7600 72.4
11020 78.6
23660 80.0
34064 80.0
16100 77.9
17000 79.6
25430 81.8
20470 79.8
21790 78.3
168 42.0
6340 69.4
2490 55.0
3020 64.8
10920 77.4
1240 67.8
16150 75.4
5220 65.8
7050 65.2
1630 65.8
19860 72.9
210 56.0
380 70.9
14210 80.1
350 52.1
570 62.0
2320 71.6
110 62.5
170 48.1
380 59.2
730 66.1
11160 74.0
470 71.7
1420 68.9
2060 63.3
610 46.1
2040 59.7
1010 55.3
600 60.3
120 45.6
390 53.2
260 44.6
390 55.8
370 60.5
5310 62.6
200 41.2
960 62.5
80 48.1
1030 57.5
360 52.2
240 42.6
120 46.6
2530 63.5
480 51.0
810 49.5
1440 66.4
220 52.7
110 54.7
220 53.7
420 52.5
640 60.1

(1) Using a similar dataset in “Part 2 Question 10”, calculate and interpret the correlation coefficient for the data on a life expectancy of males from birth and GDP per capita.

600 69.6
2250 68.3
2980 71.8
2780 65.4
1690 67.2
1640 66.5
2242 64.6
1880 66.4
1320 66.4
2370 65.5
630 51.0
2680 62.3
1940 68.1
1260 63.4
980 63.4
330 60.4
1110 64.4
1160 56.8
2560 68.4
2560 66.7
2490 62.1
15540 70.0
26040 70.7
22080 71.8
19490 72.3
22320 71.8
5990 65.4
9550 71.0
16830 72.0
17320 73.3
23120 67.2
7600 66.5
11020 72.5
23660 74.2
34064 73.9
16100 72.2
17000 73.3
25430 75.9
20470 73.0
21790 71.5
168 41.0
6340 66.8
2490 55.8
3020 63.0
10920 73.9
1240 64.2
16150 71.2
5220 62.2
7050 61.7
1630 62.5
19860 68.6
210 56.9
380 68.0
14210 74.3
350 52.5
570 58.5
2320 67.5
110 60.0
170 50.9
380 59.0
730 62.5
11160 68.7
470 67.8
1420 63.8
2060 61.6
610 42.9
2040 52.3
1010 50.1
600 57.8
120 42.4
390 49.9
260 41.4
390 52.2
370 56.5
5310 59.1
200 38.1
960 59.1
80 44.9
1030 55.0
360 48.8
240 39.4
120 43.4
2530 57.5
480 48.6
810 42.9
1440 64.9
220 49.9
110 51.3
220 50.3
420 50.4
640 56.5

In: Math

1) Design a study that uses a dependent samples design 2) Design a study that uses...

1) Design a study that uses a dependent samples design

2) Design a study that uses an independent samples design. Be sure to make clear your independent and dependent variables.

Base your two studies on the same general idea.

In: Math

B. In a test of the effect of dampness on electric connections, 100 electric connections were...

B. In a test of the effect of dampness on electric connections, 100 electric connections were tested under damp conditions and 150 were tested under dry conditions. Twenty of the damp connections failed and only 10 of the dry ones failed.

(i) Conduct a hypothesis test with α = 0.10 to determine whether or not there is a greater proportion of connections which fail under damp conditions compared to dry conditions. Be sure to state your hypotheses, test statistic, p-value, and conclusions.

(ii) Construct a 90% two-sided confidence interval for the difference of proportions πdamp −πdry. Compare the CI with the results of the hypothesis test in (i). Are the conclusions consistent?

In: Math

This question is modified from an actual experiment published in a medical journal. A study claimed...

This question is modified from an actual experiment published in a medical journal. A study claimed that people who eat high-fibre cereal for breakfast will on average consume fewer calories for lunch than people who do not eat high-fibre cereal for breakfast. A group of 150 people were randomly selected. Each person was identified as either a consumer or a non-consumer of high-fibre cereal at breakfast, and the number of calories consumed at lunch was measured and recorded. Here are the data. (Numbers are fictitious.)
(a) Calories consumed at lunch by high-fibre breakfast consumers:

568 646 607 555 530 714 593 647 650 498 636 529 565 566 639 551 580 629
589 739 637 568 687 693 683 532 651 681 539 617 584 694 556 667 467 540

596 633 607 566 473 649 622

(b) Calories consumed at lunch by low-fibre breakfast consumers:
705 754 740 569 593 637 563 421 514 536
819 741 688 547 723 553 733 812 580 833
706 628 539 710 730 620 664 547 624 644
509 537 725 679 701 679 625 643 566 594
613 748 711 674 672 599 655 693 709 596

582 663 607 505 685 566 466 624 518 750
601 526 816 527 800 484 462 549 554 582
608 541 426 679 663739 603 726 623 788
787 462 773 830 369 717 646 645 747
573 719 480 602 596 642 588 794 583
428 754 632 765 758 663 476 490 573

Test if the result of the study is statistically significant at 5% significance level. (COULD YOU PLEASE DESCRIBE ALL THE STEPS ONE BY ONE IN YOUR CALCULATION?) Thank you in advance for your help.

In: Math

The U.S. Bureau of Mines produces data on the price of Minerals. The data below displays...

The U.S. Bureau of Mines produces data on the price of Minerals. The data below displays the average prices per year for several minerals over a decade.

($ per oz.)

(cents per lb.)

($ per oz.)

(cents per lb.)

161.1 64.2 4.4 39.8
308.0 93.3 11.1 61.0
613.0 101.3 20.6 71.6
460.0 84.2 10.5 76.0
376.0 72.8 8.0 76.0
424.0 76.5 11.4 77.8
361.0 66.8 8.1 81.0
318.0 67.0 6.1 81.0
368.0 66.1 5.5 81.0
448.0 82.5 7.0 72.3
438.0 120.5 6.5 110.1
382.6 130.9 5.5 87.8

Use the attached MS Excel spreadsheet data and multiple regression to produce a model to predict the average price of gold from other variables. Comment on the following:

  1. Regression equation
  2. R, R2 and 1-R2, adjusted R2
  3. Standard error of estimate
  4. Report the t's for each value and the corresponding p-values
  5. Overall test of hypothesis and decision
  6. Use a .05 level of significance. Cite which variables are significant and which are not significant, based on the t values and p values for each independent variable.

In: Math

A store sold 12 stereos on Monday, 17 on Tuesday, 28 on Wednesday, 17 on Thursday...

A store sold 12 stereos on Monday, 17 on Tuesday, 28 on Wednesday, 17 on Thursday and 26 on Friday. AT the .01 level, test if there is a difference in the number of stereos sold on each weekday. State the hypotheses and identify the claim, find the critical value(s), compute the test value, make the decision and summarize the results. Show all work and formulas - sample question that I don't get.

In: Math

A local university wants to conduct a sample of 200 students out of 6000 students. We...

A local university wants to conduct a sample of 200 students out of 6000 students. We can assume that the university maintains a good roster of all registered students. (1) how would you select the 200 students(a) using simple random sample method and (b) systematic sampling method? (2) suppose that the university administration wants to make sure in particular students who major in music (a small department with only 8% of students major in music)be adequately included in your sample, how would you go about selecting a sample ?

In: Math

The conference Board produces a Consumer Confidence Index (CCI) that reflects people's feelings about general business...

The conference Board produces a Consumer Confidence Index (CCI) that reflects people's feelings about general business conditions, employment opportunities, and their own income prospects. Some researchers may feel that consumer confidence is a function of the median household income.

Use the attached MS Excel spreadsheet containing the CCIs for nine years and the median household incomes for the same nine years published by the U.S. Census Bureau.

Perform a correlation and regression analysis to predict CCI using median household income. Discuss the following:

  1. Scatter Diagram
  2. R, R2 and 1-R2
  3. The regression equation
  4. Standard error of estimate
  5. The test of hypothesis with the 5-step process. Use a .05 level of significance. Does median household income appear to be good predictor of the CCI? Why or why not?
CCI Median House Hold Income ($1,000)
116.8 37415
91.5 36770
68.5 35501
61.6 35047
65.9 34700
90.6 34942
100 35887
104.6 36306
125.4 37005

In: Math

A widget produced by a particular process has probability .1 of being defective. A test can...

A widget produced by a particular process has probability .1 of being defective. A test can be performed which has 99% accuracy. That is, if a defective widget is tested, the test will identify the widget as defective 99% of the time. And if a non-defective widget is tested, there is a 99% chance that the test will indicate that the widget is not defective. One widget is selected at random and is tested. If the test says that the widget is not defective, what is the probability that the widget actually is defective?

In: Math

QUESTION 1 The fundalmental condition that permits proper statistical inference is a. having a large sample...


The fundalmental condition that permits proper statistical inference is

a. having a large sample
b. normal distribution of scores
c. random sampling
d. knowledge of the values of the parameters of the population


Randomization and random sampling

a. can be substituted for each other
b. often amount to the same thing

are different procedures

d. are synonymous


Randomization is used to

a. assigning participants to experimental conditions
b. to analyze data from random samples.
c. as a less complex substitute for random sampling
d. to select subjects randomly from a population


A population characteristic is known as a(n)

a. parameter
b. basic value
c. element
d. statistic


"statistic" is to "parameter" as

a. "calculated" is to "given"
b. "random sampling" is to "randomization"
c. "sample" is to "populaton"
d. "mean" is to "standard deviation"


Whether or not a sample is considered random depends on

a. the method of selection
b. how closely it resembles the population
c. the size of the sample
d. None of the above


Each score in a random sampling distribution of means represents

a. a random data point
b. a single individual
c. a standard score
d. a sample mean


Which of the following is a parameter?

a. σ







The standard error of the mean

a. is a standard deviation
b. is the average amount by which sample values are in error
c. is given in terms of standard units
d. is larger for larger populations


A sampling distribution is a distribution of

a. values of a statistic obtained from samples
b. scores obtained from samples
c. values of a parameter obtained from samples
d. any of the above

In: Math

The equation of a regression line, unlike the correlation, depends on the units we use to...

The equation of a regression line, unlike the correlation, depends on the units we use to measure the explanatory and response variables. Here is the data on percent body fat and preferred amount of salt. Preferred amount of salt x 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.8 1.1 Percent body fat y 19 31 22 29 39 24 31 In calculating the preferred amount of salt, the weight of the salt was in milligrams. (a) Find the equation of the regression line for predicting percent body fat from preferred amount of salt when weight is in milligrams. (Round your answers to one decimal place.) ŷ = + x (b) A mad scientist decides to measure weight in tenths of milligrams. The same data in these units are as follows. Preferred amount of salt x 2 3 4 5 6 8 11 Percent body fat y 19 31 22 29 39 24 31 Find the equation of the regression line for predicting percent body fat from preferred amount of salt when weight is in tenths of milligrams. (Round your intercept to one decimal place and your slope to two decimal places.) ŷ = + x (c) Use both lines to predict the percent body fat from preferred amount of salt for a child with preferred amount of salt 0.9 when weight is measured in milligrams, which is the same as 9 when weight is in tenths of milligrams. (Round your answers to one decimal place.) in milligrams % body fat in tenths of milligrams % body fat Are the two predictions the same (up to any roundoff error)? Yes No

In: Math

A stationary store has decided to accept a large shipment of ballpoint pens if an inspection...

A stationary store has decided to accept a large shipment of ballpoint pens if an inspection of 20 randomly selected pends yields no more than two defective pens. (a) Find the probability that this shipment is accepted if 5% of the total shipment is defective. (b) Find the probability that this shipment is not accepted if 15% of the total shipment is defective. Kindly use the numbers given in the word sentences to show the work. Thank you

In: Math