In: Advanced Math
Consider n-dimensional finite affine space: F(n,p) over the field with prime p-elements.
a. Show tha if l and l' are two lines in F(n,p) containing the origin 0, then either l intersection l' ={0} or l=l'
b. how many points lie on each line through the origin in F(n,p)?
c. derive a formula for L(n,p), the number of lines through the
origin in F(n,p)
By definition, the n-dimensional finite affine space :F(n,p) =
Fpn = {
(a1,a2, :
Fp , i=1,2,...n }, where Fp is the field with
prime p elements.
This forms a vector space over Fp of dimension n.
Now, any line through the origin 0 is the subset { ka : k
Fp } for some vector a
F(n,p) \ {0}.
This is a vector subspace of F(n,p) of dimension 1, namely, the
linear span of a.
Let l and l' be two lines in F(n,p) containing the origin 0. Then,
l and l' are subspaces of F(n,p).
Now, l
l' is again a subspace of F(n,p) and is a subspace of both l and
Hence, dimension of l
l' is less than or equal to the dimension of l or l' that is,
Now, dim(l
implies that dim(l
l') = 0 or 1.
If dim(l
l') = 0, then l
l' = {0}.
If dim(l
l') = 1 = dim(l) = dim(l'), then l = l
l' = l' as l
l' is a subspace of l(and l') of the same dimension as l( and l').
Thus, in this case, l = l'.
Suppose that L = { ka : k
Fp } be a line through the origin in F(n,p), where a is
a vector in F(n,p).
Since in a vector space, each singleton set {v} is linearly
independent over the base field( where v is not 0), hence, for any
two scalars k1 and k2, k1 v =
k2 v iff k1 = k2.
Thus, | L | = | { ka : k
Fp } | = | Fp | = p.
Thus, each line through the origin in F(n,p) contains p
| F(n,p) | = | Fpn | = pn.
Any line through the origin in F(n,p) contains exactly p points and
any two distinct lines through the origin in F(n,p) intersect at
Now, if L1 and L2 are two distinct lines
through the origin, then L1 \ {0} and L2 \
{0} are disjoint and each has p-1 points.
Also, F(n,p) \ {0} has pn - 1 points.
Also, any point in F(n,p) \ {0} lies on a unique line through the
where W is the set of all lines through the origin in F(n,p).
Thus, pn-1 = | W | (p-1) = L(n,p) . (p-1)
Thus, the total number of lines through the origin in F(n,p)
L(n,p) = (pn-1)/(p-1) =