
In: Psychology

Impromptu speech Topic = My favourite drink

Impromptu speech

Topic = My favourite drink


Expert Solution

My favourite drink

My absolute favorite drink in the world is tea. There are so many styles and flavors, that I think there is a right tea for everybody. I prefer tea over coffee any time. I simply refuse to drink any other coffee. I used to like coffee for a while, and then I hated it again, but tea has been a constant in my life. When I was a kid I would drink it with sugar and milk. Now, I like different infusions and have built quite the collection over the years.

I drink tea when I have a lot of work to do. I drink tea to calm me down. I drink tea to keep warm. I drink tea to stay awake. I drink tea after dinner. I drink tea during dinner. And if it’s not tea, it’s water. I barely drink anything else. I actually went all out this week and bought 2 cans of Coke Zero. I hadn’t had coke, or any other fizzy drink in about 3 or 4 months I think. I sometimes drink juice, but tea is the constant factor. Every single day before going to work, I make some tea, put it in my mug and drink it on the train. Then there’s usually another 2 – 3 refills during the day. It’s a great solution to that freezing cold office of mine.

Over the years I’ve tried a ton of teas. I used to only drink the standard English tea blend and switched things up with the occasional Earl Grey or a Rooibos. The standard brand for tea here in Holland is called Pickwick and at first I stuck with that. But I quickly took a liking to Twinings and the teas I love the most are all by that company. When I lived in the US few years back, I discovered Celestial Seasonings and Lipton Tea. I’ve also tried Dilmah, Yogi tea, store brands from actual tea stores and many others that I can’t even name.

I hope with this description, and listening this all, you all will also start to drink tea!

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