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The Federal Sustainablee Development Act provides the legal framework for the Federal Sustainable Development Strategy ,or FSDS.It requires the Minister of Environment and Climate Change to table a new strategy every 3 years.Regular updating of the strategy allows it to reflect new priorities.

The FSDS sets out the government of Canada's environment sustainability priorities,establishes goals and targets,and identifies actions to achieve them.It outlines what we'll do across government to promote clean growth,ensure healthy ecosystems and build safe,secure and sustainable communities over a 3-year period.

In october 2016 we tables the 2016-2019 FSDS.

That strategy :-

1. set out goals aligned with the environmentally-focussed Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations 2030 Agnda for Sustainable Development (2039 Agnda).

2. established strong targets and indicators.

3. took an inclusive approach recognizing the important roles of other governments,Indigineous peoples,stakholders and all Canadians.

This stratgy updates the 2016-2019 FSDS and shows how we'll continue to advance our sustainable development goals and support the nvironmentally-focussed SDGs over the nxt 3 years.

It sets out 13 aspirational goals that reflect the canada we want,suppoted by medium-term milstone,and clear action plans.It also includes cross-cutting prorities that will support progrss in all areas of the stratgy including :

a. supporting international agreements and initiatives,including the 2030 Agenda.

b. supporting informed and sustainable decision making across government.

c. implementing strong environmental legislation and ensuring robust and through environmental assessmeents.

d. working in partnership with Indigenous peoples and communities.

e. maintaing an ongoing conversation with partners,stakeholders and canadians on sustainable development.

Departments and agencies across government contribute to implemeenting our strategy and achieving results.The Act requires 26 federal organizations to prepare theeir own strategies that comply with and contribute to the FSDS.An additional 16 organizations contribute on a voluntary basis.

Our strategy supports canada's international sustainability commitments,including the 2030 Agenda for Sustainability Deveopment.Additionally,it rflcts key governmnt initiatives including our support for the Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change and other actions to transition canada to a low-carbon economy.

In defining federal environmental sustainability commitments and actions,the 20199-2022 FSDS will complment a National Strategy on the 2030 Agenda led by Employment and Social Development Canada.While the FSFD and the National Strategy are diffeerent,they reinforce each other.The FSDS will continue to support Canada's overall response to the 2030 Agenda.

This strategy was prepard under the existing Federal Sustainable Development Act.However,amendmnts to the Act received Royal Assent in February 2019 and will come into force on a future date to be determined by the Governor in Council.Once the amendments are in force,future stratgies will be guided by an Act that supports greater accountability,a truly whole-of-government approach,and more effective engagement with canadians.

Our Principles :-

Our 2019-2022 FSDS demonstrates our commitment to the principles set out in the Federal Sustainable Development Act the precautionary principle and the principle and the principle that sustainable development is based on an ecologically efficient use of natural,social and economic resources.

The precautionary principle is based on the concept that where there are potential threats of serious or irrevrible damage,lack of full scientific certainity shall not be used as reason for postponing cost-effective measures to prevent environmental degradation.Our commitiment to preventing environmental degradation is reflected throughout our stratgy-for xample,in goals and targets related to climate action,wildlife,lands and forests,freshwater,and coats and oceans.

The strategy also reflects the principlee that sustainable development is based on an ecologically efficient use of natural,social and economic resouces.Tagets across the FSDS-for example,on clean growth,modern and resilient infrastructure,and building safe and healthy communities-reflect a commitment to advanc economic and social objectives without harming the environment.

The 2019-2022 FSDS also reflcts other important principles.In particular :

a. in support of the principle of intergenerational equity,it demonstrates our commitment to conserve lands,water and wildlife and to address problems we face today-such as climate change-that threaten the well-being of future generations.

b. in support of the principle of openness and transparency,it brings our sustainable development priorities,goals,targets and actions together in one place and will thus enable parliamentarians and Canadians to track what we're doing for a greener canada.

c. in support of the principle that it is important to involve Indigineous peoples,it acknowledge the vital contributions that Indigenous make to sustainable development and to achieving our environmental sustainability goals and targets.

d. in support of the principle that results and delivery approach is key to meeting measurable targets,it includes specific,measurable and time-bound targets,supported by indicators,that cleearly define what we want to achive.   

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