
In: Civil Engineering

According to the design standards, the durability of RC structures depends on which important factors?

According to the design standards, the durability of RC structures depends on which important factors?


Expert Solution

Durability of structure is defined as the structure should have to resist physicaly, chemically and abrasion during its structurally designed period. RC structures durability depends on the following factors:

1. Structural design : structures are designed to resist all the loads that comes into the structure design during its design life . It is the important factor influencing the durability of structure.

2. Quality of materials: If the quality of materials (steel, cement, bricks etc,)used for construction is very poor/ not as per standards it will affect the durability of structure.

3. Mix proportion parameters : The standard proportions should only used like cement content sand and aggregate content, if any deviations are notified this may affect the durability of structure.

4. Workmanship : Proper workmanship is required to execute the work as per standard procedure.

5. Curing: Curing is the most important factor influencing the durability of structure as this curing gives strength to Concrete and also the structure.

6. Exposure Conditions : Exposure Conditions of structures are divided into severe, extreme, moderate , mild and very severe . Different measures shall be taken to protect the structure other wise it may affect the durability of structure

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