
In: Computer Science

Write the following program in MIPS: a) declare an array A of the following numbers: 3,...

Write the following program in MIPS:

a) declare an array A of the following numbers: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12, 2, 76, 43, 90, 44

b) declare a variable called size which stores the number of element in array A, that is 10.

c) write a subroutine to search for a number stored in an array and return true or false. In C++ the subroutine is as follows:
search(array, size, number_To_Search)
e.g. search(A, 10, 12)
The subroutine should return 0 for false or 1 for true in register $v0.

d) The parameters to the search subroutine are stored in $a0=stores base address of A, $a1=stores the number of elements in A that is 10, $a2=stores the number to search for (e.g. 12)
e) In C++, you would write:
  for (int i=0; i<size; i++)
if A[i] == number_to_search return true;
return false

Your MIPS program is a translation of the C++ code.

f) You can test your program by writing the following instructions:
la $a0, A
lw $a1, size
addi $a2, $zero, 12
jal search   # search for 12 in the array A of size 10
lw $a0, $v0   # subroutine search result is store in $v0; its value is moved to $a0
lw $v0, 1    # code to print integer value in $a0
lw $v0, 10   # code to terminate program


Expert Solution

Given below is the code for the question. Please do rate the answer if it helped. Thank you.

   A: .word 3, 5, 8, 10, 12, 2, 76, 43, 90, 44
   size: .word 10
   la $a0, A
   lw $a1, size
   addi $a2, $zero, 12
   jal search # search for 12 in the array A of size 10
   move $a0, $v0 # subroutine search result is store in $v0; its value is moved to $a0
   li $v0, 1 # code to print integer value in $a0
   li $v0, 10 # code to terminate program

   li $t0, 0 #index
   li $v0, 0 #set return value to false
   bge $t0, $a1, exit_search
   mul $t1, $t0, 4 #to get offset, multiply index by 4 since each integer in the array takes 4 bytes
   add $t1, $t1, $a0 #add base address to offset
   lw $t0, ($t1)
   beq $t0, $a2, found
   addi $t0, $t0, 1
   b loop
   #store 1 in $v0
   li $v0, 1
   jr $ra
-- program is finished running --

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