
In: Computer Science

MIPS Program I'm trying to write a program that will take in two numbers from the...

MIPS Program

I'm trying to write a program that will take in two numbers from the user and output the sum at the end. However, I keep getting very wrong answers. For example, I add 2 and 2 and get 268501000. Help would be appreciated.

.data #starts data use
   .word 4 #sets aside space for input
   .word 4 #sets aside space for input
   .word 4 #sets space aside for input
   .asciiz "Enter an integer value: "

   .asciiz "The total is: "
.text #starts string use
.globl   main

   #prints request for 1st number
   la $a0, request #loads string into argument
   li $v0, 4 #request to print set in register $v0
   syscall #execute
   #takes in user input
   la $a0, userIn1 #pointer to info
   li $v0, 5 #request for user input set in register $v0
   #prints request for 2nd number
   la $a0, request #loads string into argument
   li $v0, 4 #request to print set in register $v0
   syscall #execute
   #takes in user input
   la $a1, userIn2 #pointer to info
   li $v0, 5 #request for user input set in register $v0
   #adds numbers together
   add $t0, $a0, $a1 #adds numbers together
   sw $t0, total #stores total
   #prints out awknowledgement
   la $a0, echoStr #stores string in $a0 argument spot
   li $v0, 4 #request to print set in register $v0
   #prints out user input
   la $a0, total #calls user input and stores it as argument 0
   li $v0, 1 #request to print set in register $v0
   #to properly exit program
   li $v0, 10

.data #end of data use

endl:   .asciiz   "\n"


Expert Solution


.data #starts data use
.word 4 #sets aside space for input
.word 4 #sets aside space for input
.word 4 #sets space aside for input
.asciiz "Enter an integer value: "

.asciiz "The total is: "
.text #starts string use
.globl main

#prints request for 1st number
la $a0, request #loads string into argument
li $v0, 4 #request to print set in register $v0
syscall #execute
#takes in user input
la $a0, userIn1 #pointer to info
li $v0, 5 #request for user input set in register $v0
move $t1,$v0   #store integer 1 in $t1

#prints request for 2nd number
la $a0, request #loads string into argument
li $v0, 4 #request to print set in register $v0
syscall #execute
#takes in user input
la $a1, userIn2 #pointer to info
li $v0, 5 #request for user input set in register $v0
move $t2,$v0 #store integer 2 in $t2

#adds numbers together
add $t0, $t1, $t2 #adds numbers together
sw $t0, total #stores total
#prints out awknowledgement
la $a0, echoStr #stores string in $a0 argument spot
li $v0, 4 #request to print set in register $v0
#prints out user input
lw $a0, total #calls user input and stores it as argument 0
li $v0, 1 #request to print set in register $v0
#to properly exit program
li $v0, 10

.data #end of data use

endl: .asciiz "\n"


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