
In: Computer Science

write a mips program to find the number of elements of the array that are divisible...

write a mips program to find the number of elements of the array that are divisible by 3.


Expert Solution

Please up vote ,comment if any query . Thanks for question . Be safe .

Note : check attached image for output ,code compiled and tested in MARS MIPS simulator .

Program Plan :

  1. declare array of size 10 with some value in data section
  2. inside text section load address of array in $t0 register and length of array 10 in $t1
  3. run a loop till loop index from 0 -10
  4. load each element from address stored in $t0
  5. and divide by 3 store reminder from mfhi
  6. set instruction use when $t4(divide reminder) equal to 0 than set $t3=1 else 0
  7. now increment loop index and address of array by 4
  8. now use branch instruction loop index less than 10 if so jump to loop label
  9. after loop complete dispaly count of element divide by 3 and print a result string
  10. terminate program

Program :

.data #vaariable section
   #array of word and its length is 10
   array : .word 100,99,98,97,96,95,80,81,82,51
   #null terminated string
   result :.asciiz " elements of array divisible by 3."
.text #code section
       la $t0,array #$t0=address of array in $t0
       li $t1,10 #t1= length of array 10
       li $t2,0 #loop count index ,$t2(i)=0
       li $a0,0 #number of element divisible by 3 count store in $a0
   loop: #loop label
       lw $t4,0($t0) #$t4= value at address stored in $t0 = array[$t2]
       div $t3,$t4,3 # quotient($t3)=array[$t2]($t4)/3
       mfhi $t3 #store reminder in $t3 from mflo
       seq $t3,$t3,0 #if $t3 equal to 0 than set 1 into $t3
       add $a0,$a0,$t3 #if t3 is 0 than 0 will add in $a0 else 1 will be add in $a0
       addi $t2,$t2,1 #increment loop count
       addi $t0,$t0,4 #point to next array element 4 is word offset
       bne $t2,$t1,loop #if $t2(loop index) not equal to 10($t1)length of array jump to loop
       #when loop completes program control comes here
       li $v0,1 #syscall 1 to print integer $a0 already have divisible count
       la $a0,result #a0=address of result
       li $v0,4 #syscall 4 to print string
       #syscall 10 to terminate program
       li $v0,10

Output : array : .word 100,99,98,97,96,95,80,81,82,51

Please up vote ,comment if any query .

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