Domain name conflict is conflict arises when more than one
individual or group thinks that they has the authority to register
a specific domain name. Domain name conflict occurs when a domain
name same as a register trademark is registered by an individual or
organization who is no the trademark owner. There are four category
of domain name conflicts such as Cybersquatting, Profit Grabbing,
Misspelling and Identical Domain name, Concurrent claims.
Cybersquatting:It is the practice of which person or the legal
entity gets the registration of the trade mark, service mark or the
business name of the another as his own domain name. The main
purpose of doing this is to selling and holding the same domain
name to another individual for a valuable consideration. Or we can
say that it is the practice of domain name reflecting the names of
existing firms, with the intention to sell the name back to the
business for a profit when they need to set up their websites
Profit Grabbing: Here the defendant gets the domain name registered
with same or confusingly similar trade name or trademark with the
intention to gain gain profit out of such business.
Misspelling and Identical Domain name: With the increase in the
business opportunities on internet and online transaction , many
individual tries to register the domain name which looks alike with
the already registered domain name. It will lead to
misinterpretation & confusion in the minds of society about the
ownership of such domain name.
Concurrent claims: This conflict arises when two legitimate parties
are involved in the dispute over a domain name , in which each
party claims to be true and the legitimate owner of the acquired
domain name and the after hearing the arguments the court needs to
decide who is the true owner.