In: Psychology
40. One of your clients intentionally simulates physical and psychological symptoms such as pains, panic attacks, etc. (you know that external incentives for the condition like getting disability money are absent). What will be your diagnosis for these symptoms? a. bipolar disorder b. dissociative fugue c. factitious disorder d. pathological lying e. truth-denial disorder 41. Delusions and hallucinations are two different names of the similar psychological experience. a. true b. false 42. Phobias are common in children. a. true b. false 43. Conduct disorder is not diagnosed in girls. a. true b. false 44. Autism is another name for dissociative identity disorder. a. true b. false 45. Key symptoms of conversion disorder include problems with movements. a. true b. false 46. Autism is not being diagnosed in some countries. a. true b. false 47. The term “erotomania” refers to a category of delusions. a. true b. false 48. About 9% of global population is affected by schizophrenia. a. true b. false 49. Schizophrenia is incurable. a. true b. false 50. Paranoid delusions are commonly associated with overwhelming fear. a. true b. false
40 factitious disorder as it involves intentional lying about symptoms of disorders
41 false they are the subparts of schizophrenia but are different delusions involve false beliefs whie hallucinations invove false perceptions about the objects including the senses also
42 true as the major age of onset is from 10-17 years
43 false it is diagnosed less in girls as compared to boys
44 false they are different autism is a developmental disorder while dissociative identity disorder is a personality disorder
45 true the person experiences paralysis
46 false it is just that there is a lack of evidence in some countries but it is diagnosed
47 true it is delusion whereby the person believes others to be person of higher social status to be in love with them
48 true around 9% of people are suffering from schizophrenia in the world
49 false it can be cured by various theerapies but even after cure chances of returning to the same condition are high
50 true it is a delusion of fear and anxiety in an irrational way