In: Nursing
Nurses have direct interaction with the community so nurses can promote and educate people about the importance of living healthy and choosing a healthy lifestyle is very important.
Answer :
Health promotion is a part of primary prevention.Nurses are higly educated and they have knowledge about health pomotion through healthy life style practices. Those who are working in the community, know deeper about community practices, cultural behavoirs,myths, living status of the community members.
Health promotion means enabling people to develop self control, consistency in healthy behaviour in order to live healthier.The nurses key role is providing information through planned health education programme.Planning for health education should be need based.
Encouraging community participation is vital part while planning health programmes. The nurse shoull select volunteers and encourage them to identify health problems or need of the community. Provide adeqaute training for those volunteers and motivate them to live in healthy way and to influence others to follow healthy life style practices.This approach will enhance community acceptance and people become more receptive.The nurse should maintain good communication and IPR.
The community health nurse act as a liaision officer. She/he transfer informations related to health policies of government to the community as well as provide periodic feed back to the government about the health status and need of the particular people.The nurse should maintain record and reports. use variety of methods for teaching people, like health play, socio drama, demonstration etc.
The nurse should include following topic: