
In: Psychology

Vestibular Sense. This lab involves physical activity – you are responsible for determining if you are...

Vestibular Sense. This lab involves physical activity – you are responsible for determining if you are capable of doing the actions yourself or asking someone to do them in your place and then observing/discussing the results to answer the questions below. Make sure you take a break between each question so you can return to a neutral position / level of activity.

Stand on one leg for at least 15 seconds (preferably 30 seconds). Describe if/how this feels different than standing normally. Is your body doing something different? What cues are you using to stay upright?


Expert Solution

  • Its different from standing normally because one is trying to focus in order to get the balance right on one leg. When I try to balance on one leg I try to focus on a point in front right between my eyes. The focal point is decided and you try to concentrate on one point.Trying to make a comfortable position,of the leg which you feel comfortable folding and also how would you keep your arms,either on the side or folded in front.
  • Visual cues from our eyes give us information about where we are in space. This is why it can be difficult to keep your balance with your eyes closed. Your eyes also send signals to your brain, telling your joints and muscles where and how to move. For example, if you see an obstacle in your path, this visual cue will be sent to your brain which will then signal your muscles to walk around or over the object.
  • Your inner ear is also involved in the balancing process. Among its tiny, delicate mechanisms is the semi-circular canal. This fluid-filled tube alerts your central nervous system as to the position of your head.
  • You also have a built-in mechanism that tells your nervous system where your arms and legs are in space. It’s called internal spatial orientation, and it’s the automatic sense that lets you know your leg is folded to the side or or pointing forward to strike a balance.

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