
In: Statistics and Probability

You must download the file “Assn3_Qu#2_W19” to use the required data. It gives the number of...

You must download the file “Assn3_Qu#2_W19” to use the required data. It gives the number of city-bus users (Ridership) on a public transportation system of a large city in 3 given working days chosen at random in units of hundreds. It gives this data separately for the 4 busy bus routes and for 5 time slots. Here, TSlot1: from start of day to 9:30 am, TSlot2: 9:30 – 12:30, TSlot3: 12:30 – 15:30, TSlot4: 15:30 – 18:30 and Time-Slot5: 18:30 to end of day a. Test if the mean ridership for the four bus routes are the same or different. b. Show how the MSE can be calculated from the individual sample variances. c. Based on the residual plots, can you comment on the aptness of this single factor model? d. Use the Bonferroni Multiple Comparison (BMC) approach to rank (in descending order) the bus routes in terms of their mean ridership.

BRoute1   BRoute2   BRoute3   BRoute4
27 24   28   28
25   24   28   30
23   24   28   26
19   20   24   24
15   24   23   22
14   25   22   20
19   23   25   23
21   21   29   23
23   19   24   20
24   20   30   26
20   24   28   25
24   22   29   24
18   14   20   19
15   17   21   22
21   20   22   25


Expert Solution

a. Test if the mean ridership for the four bus routes are the same or different.


Source DF SS MS F P
Route 3 272.8 90.9 7.52 0.000
Error 56 677.3 12.1
Total 59 950.2

Comment: The p-value of Route is 0.000 and less than 0.05. Hence, the mean ridership for the four bus routes is different at 0.05 level of significance that is at least one route has the significant mean difference.

b. Show how the MSE can be calculated from the individual sample variances.

c. Based on the residual plots, can you comment on the aptness of this single factor model?

From the above residual plots, we can conclude that the assumptions of the normality, randomness, and homoscedasticity are satisfied. Hence, it is appropriateness this single factor model.

d. Use the Bonferroni Multiple Comparison (BMC) approach to rank (in descending order) the bus routes in terms of their mean ridership.

Multiple Comparisons
(I) Time (J) Time Mean Difference (I-J) Std. Error Sig. 95% Confidence Interval
Lower Bound Upper Bound
BRoute1 BRoute2 -1.5333 1.26992 1.000 -5.0068 1.9402
BRoute3 -5.5333* 1.26992 .000 -9.0068 -2.0598
BRoute4 -3.9333* 1.26992 .018 -7.4068 -.4598
BRoute2 BRoute1 1.5333 1.26992 1.000 -1.9402 5.0068
BRoute3 -4.0000* 1.26992 .016 -7.4735 -.5265
BRoute4 -2.4000 1.26992 .384 -5.8735 1.0735
BRoute3 BRoute1 5.5333* 1.26992 .000 2.0598 9.0068
BRoute2 4.0000* 1.26992 .016 .5265 7.4735
BRoute4 1.6000 1.26992 1.000 -1.8735 5.0735
BRoute4 BRoute1 3.9333* 1.26992 .018 .4598 7.4068
BRoute2 2.4000 1.26992 .384 -1.0735 5.8735
BRoute3 -1.6000 1.26992 1.000 -5.0735 1.8735


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