
In: Biology

1- A mother and newborn baby both need blood transfusions. The father is not currently available...

1- A mother and newborn baby both need blood transfusions. The father is not currently available for typing and donation. Mother is type O negative and baby is type O positive.

The father of the baby must be Rh
. The mother
safely donate blood to the baby. The father arrives later and after typing his blood its concluded that he can safely donate to his baby - which means that his blood type is

2- A mother and newborn baby both need blood transfusions. The father is not currently available for typing and donation. Mother is type O negative and baby is type O positive.

Use Punnett Squares to figure out what the fathers possible genotype(s)? Pick all that apply.

Group of answer choices







3- Why are X-linked recessive genetic disorders more commonly seen in males?

Group of answer choices

For an X-linked disorder to occur, an individual must receive one allele only found on the X chromosome and a second allele found only on the Y chromosome, which females do not have.

Females only have X chromosomes, and genes on the X chromosome are not expressed.

Females must receive two copies of the recessive allele to exhibit the disorder, but males need only one copy.

The alleles of sex-linked genes are carried only on the Y chromosome, which females do not have.

4- A sugar molecule, phosphate group and one of four nitrogenous bases make up this structure which is found in DNA.

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base pair

5- What type of macromolecule is DNA?

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nucleic acid


6- What type of RNA specifies the order of amino acids in a protein using a series of three base codons?

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7- What type of RNA is responsible for bringing the correct amino acid to the ribosome by pairing its’ three base anti-codon with a complementary codon on another RNA molecule?

Group of answer choices




8- The chromosome theory of inheritance states what?

Group of answer choices

all genes are located on chromosomes

all chromosomes are located on genes

all DNA is made of only of genes

9- During transcription what occurs?

Group of answer choices

a strand of RNA is made from a template strand of DNA

a strand of DNA is made from a template strand of RNA

a protein is built
10- During translation what occurs?

Group of answer choices

a protein is built at the ribosome using mRNA

a strand of RNA is made from a template strand of DNA

a protein is built in the nucleus using DNA


Expert Solution

Ans 1) mother and baby need blood transfusion but Father is not currently available for donation.

Blood type of mother = O -

Blood type of baby = O +

The Father of baby must be Rh =

The Inheritance of Rh factor in RBC follow dominant-recessive inheritance in which Rh+ is Dominant to Rh-. In given condition mother is O- i.e. Rh- and baby is O+ i.e. Rh+. When mother is Rh- then Father must be Rh+ to have a Rh+ son.

As Rh+ Cross with Rh- = Rh+ Rh- ------- Rh+ phenotye

The mother safely donates to baby as she is Rh- and Rh- don't have Rh protein in them and hence baby will not have any kind of problem. But is baby is Rh- and mother is Rh+ then she can't donate blood as will result in clumping and is lethal for baby.

After mother donates blood Father arrives and concluded that he can safely donate the blood. Then his blood type will be = O as O Blood gruop don't have any sugar or antigens and O can take blood from only O. The blood type and their donating partner for blood O+ = O+ , O- ; O- = O-

Ans 2) mother and baby need transfusion of blood and father is not available. Blood type of mother = O-

Baby is = O+

Possible Genotype of Father =

As here not given that Father can donate blood to baby and some restricted conditions. We have to tell only possible Genotypes of Father as he has a O+ baby with O- mother.

As O has no blood sugar present on RBCs and to have a O blood type baby both mother and father should have at least 1 i Allele or Allele for O blood group. So, from given Options possible Genotypes of Father are = OO , AO, BO.

Cross : mother is O = i i ; father = OO = i i

i i
i ii ii
i ii ii

All Children = ii = OO phenotye = O blood type.

Cross : mother O = i i ; father = AO = IA i

i i
IA IA i IA i
i ii ii

2/4 = IA i = (AO) A Blood phenotye

2/4 = ii = (OO) O blood phenotye

Cross : mother O =ii ; Father = BO = IB i

IB i
i IB i ii
i IB i ii

2/4 = IB i = (BO) B blood phenotye

2/4 = ii = (OO) O blood phenotype

Ans 3) X-linked Recessive disorder are more common to males than to females -------

It is because male have only X-chromosome while females have 2 X-chromosomes and to express Recessive condition in females they must have both X-chromosomes with the disorder Recessive Allele while males need just only 1 X-chromosome with recessive allele to be diseased.

So, Correct answer is Option C, Females must receive two copies of the recessive allele to exhibit the disorder, but males need only one copy.

Ans 4) a sugar molecule, phosphate group and a nitrogen base from the four found in DNA forms ------ Nucleotide.

Nucleotide = it is composed of a Pentose-sugar ( Deoxyribose in DNA) , phosphate group and a nitrogen base ( Adenine, Guanine, Thymine, and Cytosine in DNA) in DNA.

Base pair = a unit of nucleotide.

RNA = is also composed of nucleotide, polymer but the base pair in it are different that of DNA.

Correct answer Option B, Nucleotide

Ans 5) type of Macromolecule DNA is ----- Nucleic acid.

As DNA is made of repeating units of nucleotides so is a Macromolecule of Nucleic acid.

Correct answer Option C, nucleic acid.

Ans 6) RNA that specifies the order of amino acids in Protein using a series of 3 base codons = mRNA.

mRNA = also called messenger RNA. It carries information of protein synthesis sequence from DNA to Ribosomes. It codes for amino acids and they are coded in triplet form i.e. 3nucleotide code for a amino acid and several link by peptide bond form protein.

Correct answer Option B,mRNA.

tRNA helps in protein synthesis while rRNA is involved in catalysed reactions.

Ans 7) type of RNA responsible for bringing the correct amino acid to the ribosome by pairing its’ three base anti-codon with a complementary codon on another RNA molecule --------- tRNA

tRNA helps in protein synthesis and if consists of anticodons that are formed from the sequences carried by mRNA to it. The sequence in mRNA codes in triplet form and is taken to Ribosomes where tRNA get attached to it by forming Anticodons and result in amino acid synthesis. Long chain of amino acid result in formation of Protein.

Correct answer Option B, tRNA

Ans 8) Chromosomal therory of Inheritance states that -------- all gene are located in Chromosomes, Option A

It was given by Sutton and Boveri. They examine Mendel results and their experiments and conclude the phenomenon of Linkage or Recombination.

Correct answer Option A.

Ans 9) during transcription occurs ------ a Strand of RNA is formed from template strand, Option A.

Transcription is the process of formation of mRNA from the DNA. It is formed from the complementary or Coding Strand. It is exact copy of Coding Strand except for Thymine, replaced by Uracil in mRNA.

Correct answer Option A.

Ans 10) during translation occurs ------- a protein is built at Ribosome using mRNA, Option A

Translation is the process of protein synthesis which are made from the mRNA codons. The codons from mRNA are read by tRNA and anti-codon is prepared by tRNA and then a amino acid is synthesised and when these amino acid get linked to each other by peptide bond in large amount form Protein.

Correct answer Option A.

Thank you.?

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