For the given array, simulate the working operation of Bubble
Sort. Show your work at each...
For the given array, simulate the working operation of Bubble
Sort. Show your work at each step. Make sure to show the status of
the array after every swap.
[ 28, 13, 22, 7, 34, 2 ]
Simulate the working operation of Insertion Sort for the array:
[ 28, 13, 22, 7, 34, 2, 15, 18 ]. Show your work at each step by
writing the status of the array after every insertion.
Given the following array
[17, 15,21,208,16,122,212,53,119,43]
Apply bubble sort algorithm and show the status of the array after
each pass. Also calculate how many comparisons you will be required
to pass
How would I make a bubble sort and an optimized bubble sort with
the code given? I also need to implement a timer into each sort and
display runtime with the sorts.
/* node.h */
two classes 1: node.h 2. singlylinkedlist.h
nod1 (value + pointer) ---> node2 ---> node3 ---> ||||
<--- node.h
| singlylinkedlist
----------------*node head;
#ifndef NODE_H
#define NODE_H
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class Node {
friend class singlyLinkedList;
Sort the following set of numbers using bubble sort, insertion
sort, and selection sort. Show the process step-by-step, and find
the time complexity in Big-O notation for each method. For sorting,
use ascending order.
49, 7, 60, 44, 18, 105
1. For each of the following lists, perform a bubble sort, and
show the list after each exchange:
2. Explain why the bubble sort algorithm does O (n^2)
comparisons on an n-element list.
use quick sort to sort the following array. show each pass and
what the pivot is during the pass. please explain why you are
swapping positions. do not use a compiler.
30 5 40 11 20 9 15 2 60 25 80 3 73 35 4 75 20 6
Sorting Data
Add the Bubble Sort to minMaxArray.asm to sort the array into
ascending order. Use the Bubble Sort algorithm from the lecture.
You can use either Base Addressing or Indexed Addressing for the
For this assignment, make sure you prompt the user for the
numbers. Do not hard-code them in the data section.
NOTE: Declare the array last in the Data section.
// This program uses a bubble sort to arrange an array of
integers in
// ascending order (smallest to largest). It then display the
// before the sorting and after the sorting. Modify the program
so it orders
// integers in descending order (largest to smallest). Then add
some code
// to display the array at each step of the algorithm. You don't
have to
// modify anything in the main() function. All modification are
// the bubbleSortArray()...