Simulate the working operation of Insertion Sort for the array:
[ 28, 13, 22, 7, 34,...
Simulate the working operation of Insertion Sort for the array:
[ 28, 13, 22, 7, 34, 2, 15, 18 ]. Show your work at each step by
writing the status of the array after every insertion.
For the given array, simulate the working operation of Bubble
Sort. Show your work at each step. Make sure to show the status of
the array after every swap.
[ 28, 13, 22, 7, 34, 2 ]
Write a program in Java to sort the given array using merge
sort, quick sort, insertion sort, selection sort and bubble sort
based on the input from the user which sorting technique they
wanted to use. Get the array size, array elements from the user,
and also display the sorted array along with the name of the
sorting technique used.
(code in C++ language)
[Code Bubble sort, Insertion sort
Create a Big array with random numbers.
Record the time.
Run Bubble
Check time (compute the processing time)
do it 100 times (random numbers)
Take the average
Insertion: Compare]
(some explanations please)
Using the worst case scenario for a recursive insertion sort on
an array of 5 elements {5, 4, 3, 2, 1}
Determine a formula that counts the numbers of nodes in that
recursion tree. What is the Big O for execution time.
Determine a formula that expresses the height of the recursion
tree. What is the Big O for memory?
1a .Write a program that perform insertion sort (ascending
order) on an input array and print the total number of comparisons
that have been made. You can implement by using any programming
languages such as C/C++. For example, in the case of array B = [ 30
, 10 , 20 , 40 ], there are 4 needed comparisons to perform
insertion sort (30 vs 10, 20 vs 30, 20 vs 10, and 40 vs 30).
1b. Write a program...
The insertion sort algorithm updates its sorted array as each
new data value is entered. It is an in-place algorithm, in that the
sorted array at each step writes over the array from the previous
• Let us start with sorting in descending order (largest to
smallest). The ascending order case follows as a simple
modification to the descending case.
• Assume that we have thus far read N values and these are
sorted in correct order (largest to...
1) Use insertion sort to sort: 25, 17, 31, 13, 2. Show your work
2) Use Euclidean algorithm to find gcd(248, 198)
3) (ABCDEF)16 to binary, octal and decimal
Consider the following pseudocode for insertion-sort algorithm.
The algorithm sorts an arbitrary array A[0..n − 1] of n
void ISORT (dtype A[ ], int n) {
int i, j;
for i = 1 to n – 1 {
//Insert A[i] into
the sorted part A[0..i – 1]
j = i;
while (j > 0 and
A[j] < A[j – 1]) {
SWAP (A[j], A[j –
j = j – 1 }