
In: Computer Science

How would I make a bubble sort and an optimized bubble sort with the code given?...

How would I make a bubble sort and an optimized bubble sort with the code given? I also need to implement a timer into each sort and display runtime with the sorts.


/* node.h */

two classes 1: node.h 2. singlylinkedlist.h

nod1 (value + pointer) ---> node2 ---> node3 ---> |||| <--- node.h
| singlylinkedlist
----------------*node head;


#ifndef NODE_H
#define NODE_H

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

class Node {
   friend class singlyLinkedList;
   Node (int value);
   int displayValue();
   int value;
   Node* next;



/* singlylinkedlist.h */


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

#include "node.h"

class singlyLinkedList
   void addFront(Node* newNode);
   void displaySinglyLinkedList();
   void bubbleSort();
   void optimizedBubbleSort();
   Node *head;



/* node.cpp */

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

#include "node.h"

   value = 0;
   next = NULL;

Node::Node(int v)
   value = v;
   next = NULL;


int Node::displayValue()
   return value;


/* singlylinkedlist */

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

#include "singlylinkedlist.h"

   head = NULL;


void singlyLinkedList::addFront(Node *newNode)
   if (head == NULL)
       head = newNode;
       // Add code here!
       /* node1-->||| (before) what is after node2 --> node1 -->||| */

       newNode->next = head;
       head = newNode;

void singlyLinkedList::displaySinglyLinkedList()
   Node *tempHead;

   tempHead = head;

   while (tempHead != NULL)
       cout << tempHead->value << " ";
       tempHead = tempHead->next;
   cout << endl;

void singlyLinkedList:: bubbleSort()
   // Your Code Starts Here!
   // Please display the runtime for this task before exit
   // start clock
   // ....
   // stop the clock
   // display the (stop-clock - start-clock

void singlyLinkedList:: optimizedBubbleSort()
   // Your Code Starts Here!
   // Please display the runtime for this task before exit
   // start clock
   // ....
   // stop the clock
   // display the (stop-clock - start-clock


// In Project 1, your are required to implement the code for bubble sort and optimized bubble sort
// using the data structure of sinngly linked list (nothing else).

/* Bubble Sort:
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
for (int j = i; j < n; j++)
if (A[i] > A[j])
temp = A[i];
A[i] = A[j];
A[j] = temp;

/* Optimized Bubble Sort:
flag = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < n-1; j++)
if (A[j] > A[j+1])
temp = A[j];
A[j] = A[j+1];
A[j+1] = temp;
   flag = 1; // if swapping occurs
   if (flag == 0)
break; // the input list already sorted, no need for the inner loop

// The main program will create 10 nodes for storing a sequence of 10 integers
// bubble Sort() will be invoked to sort these 10 integers
// then optimizedBubbleSort will be invoked to sort the sorted sequence (degenerate case) again
// You will find out optimizedBubbleSort will take O(1) running time to do the sorting
// unlike bubbleSort taking O(n^2) run time to sort a sorted sequence.

// Lastly, in order to see the differences of bubbleSort and optimizedBubbleSort,
// also implement timer into both code, after the sorting, print out the runtime
// of sorting the sequence. For bubbleSort, no matter sorted or unsorted, it always
// take O(n^2) runtime. But for optimizedBubbleSort, for unsorted sequence, like
// bubbleSort, it takes O(n^2) runtime. However, for a sorted sequence,
// optimizedBubbleSort will take O(1) only. For a sorted sequence as a
// degenerate case, optimizedBubbleSort is more efficienct than bubbleSort
// for sorting a sequence of integers.

// You MUST use this provided code for Project 1

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

#include "node.h"
#include "singlylinkedlist.h"

int main()
   /* create 10 nodes */
   Node *n1 = new Node(23); // objects creation (class instantiation)
   Node *n2 = new Node(-20);
   Node *n3 = new Node(7);
   Node *n4 = new Node(174);
   Node *n5 = new Node(56);
   Node *n6 = new Node(-98);
   Node *n7 = new Node(101);
   Node *n8 = new Node(46);
   Node *n9 = new Node(31);
   Node *n10 = new Node(5);

   /* create singly linked list */
   singlyLinkedList *sLL;
   sLL = new singlyLinkedList();

   /* insert 10 nodes into the singly linked list in First in, Last out manner */

   /* display the contents of the 10 nodes in the singly linked list */

   /* The following code will act it is supposed to do
   when you are successfully implment bubbleSort and
   optimizedBubbleSort. */
   sLL->bubbleSort(); // bubble sort the unsorted sequence
   sLL->displaySinglyLinkedList(); // a sorted sequence displayed

   sLL->optimizedBubbleSort(); // optimized bubble sort the already sorted sequence (a degenerate case)
   // the runtime should show O(1), it means time should be musch less than runtime
   // of bubbleSort()
   sLL->displaySinglyLinkedList(); // a sorted sequence displayed

   return 0;


Expert Solution

The changes has been made in 'singlylinkedlist.cpp' only.
So, C++ code of 'singlylinkedlist' is :

/* singlylinkedlist */

#include <iostream>
#include <time.h>
using namespace std;

#include "singlylinkedlist.h"

   head = NULL;


void singlyLinkedList::addFront(Node *newNode)
   if (head == NULL)
       head = newNode;
       // Add code here!
       /* node1-->||| (before) what is after node2 --> node1 -->||| */

       newNode->next = head;
       head = newNode;

void singlyLinkedList::displaySinglyLinkedList()
   Node *tempHead;

   tempHead = head;

   while (tempHead != NULL)
       cout << tempHead->value << " ";
       tempHead = tempHead->next;
   cout << endl;

void singlyLinkedList:: bubbleSort()
  time_t start, end;
  int n=0;
  Node *ptr = head;
    ptr = ptr->next;

  Node *ptr2;
  ptr = head;
  ptr2 = ptr;
  int temp;
  for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
    ptr = ptr2;
    for (int j = i; j < n; j++)
      if (ptr2->value > ptr->value)
        temp = ptr2->value;
        ptr2->value = ptr->value;
        ptr->value = temp;
      ptr = ptr->next;
    ptr2 = ptr2->next;
    cout << "\nBubble Sort time: " << difftime(end, start) << "sec\n";

void singlyLinkedList:: optimizedBubbleSort()
    time_t start, end;

  int n=0;
  Node *ptr = head;
    ptr = ptr->next;

  Node *ptr2;
  ptr = head;
  ptr2 = ptr;
   int flag = 0, temp;
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
      flag = 0;
      ptr = ptr2;
      for (int j = 0; j < n-1; j++)
        if (ptr->value > ptr->next->value)
          temp = ptr->value;
          ptr->value = ptr->next->value;
          ptr->next->value = temp;
           flag = 1; // if swapping occurs
        ptr = ptr->next;
     if (flag == 0)
        break; // the input list already sorted, no need for the inner loop
      ptr2 = ptr2->next;
   cout << "\nOptimezed Bubble Sort time: " << difftime(end, start) << "sec\n";

Output sample:

Note that time is 0 sec. This is because the size of data is very small so it takes almost no time to sort.

Hope it helps.

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