In: Psychology
Speaker - Speaker, is one who sends a message through language interpretation between him and the listener.
Listener - A person who receives the communicative message sent by the speaker
Channel - Channel is the medium through which the speaker sends the message to the listener.
Feedforward - It refers to a pre feedback given to the listener from whom you expect the input.
Feedback - Listeners are not just passive recipients of the speaker's messages, and the response given by them to the listener's messages is known as feedback.
Interference - The disturbances or disruptions caused in the communication process in the channel is known as Interference.
Situation - The situation is any medium in which communication is taking place — for example - radio, films, and other media.
In the above example, the situation is interpersonal communication,
and you can observe how all of the above terms are used in the case
of interpersonal communication.