
In: Operations Management

Below is an email that needs significant revision. Copy the text below into a Google Doc,...

Below is an email that needs significant revision. Copy the text below into a Google Doc, rewrite the entire email, and submit the link. Be sure to pay close attention to the subject line, clarity, structure, support, and voice.

To: Department Managers

From: Aaron Alexander <[email protected]>

Subject:   Invitation to Help Interview Possible Interns




You are invited to help us interview six excellent student candidates for three paid internships. These potential interns from our local state university could bring fresh ideas and talent to your projects.

The management council decided to offer paid internships because candidates in the fields of computer science and information systems are usually offered compensation.

Please mark your calendars to meet at 2 p.m. on the following dates:

   May 3       Conference Room

   May 5       Office 22

   May 9       Conference Room

Before the meetings, please examine all the candidates' résumés. Send me your ranking lists before May 1 so that we can work together to invite the top interns that you select.

Aaron Alexander

[Full contact information]


Expert Solution

To: Department Managers

From: Aaron Alexander <[email protected]>

Subject:   Invitation to join the selection process of interns.



Dear All,

You all are invited to help us in the interview process of student candidates for paid internships. These candidates are from our local state university and they will be beneficial for us as they could bring fresh ideas and talent to your projects. The numbers of candidates appearing in the selection process are six and the numbers of position available with us are three.

The management council has decided to offer paid internships because candidates in the fields of Computer Science and Information Systems are usually offered compensation for the work they do as interns.

I request you to please mark your calendars on the following dates to meet at 2 P.M. at the designated places:

   May 3       Conference Room

   May 5       Office 22

   May 9       Conference Room

I also suggest you all to examine the candidates' résumés before the meetings and send me your ranking lists before May 1 so that we can work together to invite the top candidates that you select for the selection process.

Aaron Alexander

[Full contact information]

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