In: Psychology
Textrodotoxin is a sodium channel inhibitor. It blocks the firing of action potential in a neuron by linking the sodium voltage channel in the particular neuron and this inhibits the passing of sodium ions in the neuron. It interferes with the transmission of signals from nerves to the various muscles of the body. This results in the paralysis of the body.
Curare is a skeletal muscle relaxant. It inhibits the action of an enzyme called choliesterase. It results in the respiratory and musculary paralysis. Curare was widely used as an anasthetic in the past to immobilise patients during the surgery. It inhibits acetylcholine by blocking the action potential. So the nerve cannot trigger the muscle to move and remain paralyzed.
Alcohol passes through blood brain barrier and reach neurons directly. It is a depressant and it makes the neurons less excited and slows it down. It interferes with transmission of messages between neurons in the body. It affects the potassium levels in the neuron and interferes with neuron firing. As a result of these changes in central nervous systems, the behaviour of the person also changes.