
In: Electrical Engineering

need a code for mpu 6050 gyro module for arduino it needs to read the angle...

need a code for mpu 6050 gyro module for arduino
it needs to read the angle of the pendulum and feed information back into stepper motor to try to attain balance


Expert Solution

Actually this my code..and you need to modify some parts from this code

#include<wire.h> //wire library

#include<i2Cdev.h>//i2C Library

#include<MPU6050.h> //mpu6050 library

MPU6050 mpu;

int16_t aa,ab,ac;

int16_t ba,bb,bc;

#define in1 5
#define in2 6

void setup(){
Serial.println("Initialize MPU");
//Serial.println(mpu.testConnection() ? "Connected" : "Connection failed"); pinMode(in1,OUTPUT);


void loop(){
mpu.getMotion6(&aa, &ab, &ac, &ba, &bb, &bc);

aa = map(aa, -17000, 17000, -1500, 1500);

if(aa > 0){

analogWrite(in1, aa-aa-aa);

analogWrite(in1, 255);

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