
In: Computer Science

Write a Class called Module with the following attributes: module code, module name, list of lecturers...

Write a Class called Module with the following attributes: module code, module name, list of lecturers for the module (some modules may have more than one lecturer – we only want to store their names), number of lecture hours, and module description. Create a parameterised (with parameters for all of the class attributes) and a non-parameterised constructor, and have the accessor and mutator methods for each attribute including a toString method. Write a class Student with the following attributes: student name, student home address, student id, degree programme enrolled in, year of study, and a list of modules (of type Module) the student is taking in the current year. Create a parameterised (with parameters for all of the attributes except the list of modules) and a non-parameterised constructor, and have the accessor and mutator methods for each attribute including a toString method. Finally write a testClass which creates student objects and adds list of modules chosen by the student.

JAVA language


Expert Solution


I have written the code what you have asked for and tested the objects of each class

I have limeted the number of modules and students, as this is for testing only

I have added comments to the code please comment below if you find any difficulty in the code , as this is only creation of methods and objects I am not explainig as you would know.


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package javaapplication12;

 * @author DELL
public class Module {
    // instance variables of Module
    int module_code;
    String module_name;
    String lecture_names[] = new String[10];
    double lecture_hours;
    String module_description;

    // parameterized constructor
    public Module(int module_code, String module_name, double lecture_hours, String module_description,String lect_names[]) {
        this.module_code = module_code;
        this.module_name = module_name;
        this.lecture_hours = lecture_hours;
        this.module_description = module_description;
    // non // parameterized constructor
    public Module() {
        this.module_code = 0;
        this.module_name = null;
        this.lecture_hours = 0;
        this.module_description = null;
    // all setters and getter of instance variable
    public int getModule_code() {
        return module_code;

    public void setModule_code(int module_code) {
        this.module_code = module_code;

    public String getModule_name() {
        return module_name;

    public void setModule_name(String module_name) {
        this.module_name = module_name;

    public String[] getLecture_names() {
        return lecture_names;

    public void setLecture_names(String[] lecture_names) {
        this.lecture_names = lecture_names;

    public double getLecture_hours() {
        return lecture_hours;

    public void setLecture_hours(double lecture_hours) {
        this.lecture_hours = lecture_hours;

    public String getModule_description() {
        return module_description;

    public void setModule_description(String module_description) {
        this.module_description = module_description;

    // to string for the object
    public String toString() {
        String lecture_names_string = "[";
        for (String value :lecture_names){
            if(value != null )
            lecture_names_string = lecture_names_string + value + ",";
        lecture_names_string += "]";
        return "Module{" + "module_code=" + module_code + ", module_name=" + module_name + ", lecture_names=" + lecture_names_string + ", lecture_hours=" + lecture_hours + ", module_description=" + module_description + '}';

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package javaapplication12;

 * @author DELL
public class Student {
    // instance variables of studenet
    String student_name;
    String student_home_address;
    int student_id;
    String degree_program;
    int year_of_study;
    Module modules[] = new Module[10];

    // parameterized constructor
    public Student(String student_name, String student_home_address, int student_id, String degree_program, int year_of_study, Module modules[]) {
        this.student_name = student_name;
        this.student_home_address = student_home_address;
        this.student_id = student_id;
        this.degree_program = degree_program;
        this.year_of_study = year_of_study;
        System.arraycopy(modules, 0, this.modules, 0, modules.length);
    // non parameterized constructor
    public Student() {
        this.student_name = null;
        this.student_home_address = null;
        this.student_id = 0;
        this.degree_program = null;
        this.year_of_study = 0;
    // all setters and getter of instance variable 
    public String getStudent_name() {
        return student_name;

    public void setStudent_hame(String student_name) {
        this.student_name = student_name;

    public String getStudent_home_address() {
        return student_home_address;

    public void setStudent_home_address(String student_home_address) {
        this.student_home_address = student_home_address;

    public int getStudent_id() {
        return student_id;

    public void setStudent_id(int student_id) {
        this.student_id = student_id;

    public String getDegree_program() {
        return degree_program;

    public void setDegree_program(String degree_program) {
        this.degree_program = degree_program;

    public int getYear_of_study() {
        return year_of_study;

    public void setYear_of_study(int year_of_study) {
        this.year_of_study = year_of_study;

    public Module[] getModules() {
        return modules;

    public void setModules(Module[] modules) {
        this.modules = modules;

    // to string for the object
    public String toString() {
        String modules_string = "[\n";
        for(int i=0;i<10;i++){
            if(modules[i]!= null )
            modules_string = modules_string + modules[i].toString() + "\n";
        modules_string = "]";
        return "Student{" + "student_name=" + student_name + ", student_home_address=" + student_home_address + ", student_id=" + student_id + ", degree_program=" + degree_program + ", year_of_study=" + year_of_study + ", modules=" + modules_string + '}';


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package javaapplication12;

import java.util.*;

 * @author DELL
public class Test {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Scanner sc = new Scanner(;
        Module m[] = new Module[5];
        Student s[] = new Student[5];

        // some sample module objects
        // some sample data inserted into module objects
        String lecture_names1[] = {"Basics of java", "Java servelets"};
        m[0] = new Module(1545, "Java Backend development", 14.5, "Complete java backend", lecture_names1);
        String lecture_names2[] = {"HTML", "CSS", "JS"};
        m[1] = new Module(9132, "Front end development", 14.5, "UI and UX", lecture_names2);
        String lecture_names3[] = {"Ruby", "ERB","Rails"};
        m[2] = new Module(1545, "Ruby on Rails", 14.5, "Full stack ruby on rails", lecture_names1);
        // printing all the modules data
        System.out.println("**************Available modules**********");
        for(int i=0;i<2;i++){
        // students objects and entering data
        System.out.println("\n**************Enter students data**********");
        for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
            // variables for student object creation
            System.out.println("\n******Student "+ (i+1) + " data**********");
            String student_name;
            String student_home_address;
            int student_id;
            String degree_program;
            int year_of_study;
            Module modules[] = new Module[5];
            // getting input for studnts data
            System.out.println("Enter the student name:");
            student_name = sc.nextLine();
            System.out.println("Enter the student address:");
            student_home_address = sc.nextLine();
            System.out.println("Enter the studend id:");
            student_id = Integer.parseInt(sc.nextLine());
            System.out.println("Enter the year of study:");
            year_of_study = Integer.parseInt(sc.nextLine());
            System.out.println("Enter the student degree program:");
            degree_program = sc.nextLine();
            System.out.println("Enter module numbers:");
            int module = 0;
            modules[module++] = m[Integer.parseInt(sc.nextLine())];
            modules[module++] = m[Integer.parseInt(sc.nextLine())];
            // passing all the data using parameterized constructor
            s[i] = new Student(student_name,student_home_address, student_id,degree_program,year_of_study,modules);
        // printing all the students data
        System.out.println("**************Students enrolled**********");
        for(int i=0;i<2;i++){


Hope this helps and clear.

I strive to provide the best of my knowledge so please upvote if you like the content.

Thank you!

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