
In: Computer Science

I am trying to write a program in Java: Pick 4 cards and display the cards...

I am trying to write a program in Java: Pick 4 cards and display the cards and their total value (Ace = 1, King = 13, Queen = 12, and Jack 11...etc. , BUT you should check that no card is a duplicate... there is only one "Ace of Spades" per deck for example. I need to utilize the displayMenu so the program continues to run for the user without breaking. My program is not running correctly.

import java.util.Scanner;
import java.util.Random;

//======================= class Deal4Cards =======
public class Deal4Cards
    private static Scanner userIn = new Scanner(;
    private static String[] rank;
    private static String[] suit;
//======================= void main() ============
    public static void main(String[] args)
        char userPick;
            userPick = displayMenu();
                case 'D':
                case 'E':
                    System.out.println("E is here");
                case 'Q':
                            + "\n*****"
                            + "\nThank you for playing!"
                            + "\n*****"
                            + "\n*****");
                    System.out.print("\n\n*** INVALID INPUT - TRY AGAIN! ***\n\n");
        }while(userPick != 'Q');
//======================= char displayMenu() ==
    public static char displayMenu()
        char choice;
        String heading1 = "****Butler's BOOtastic Game******";
        String heading2 = "*************DEAL 4 CARDS***************";

        String menu1 = "(D)eal 4 cards";
        String menu2 = "(E)valuate the value of dealt cards ";
        String menu3 = "(Q)uit program";
        String menu4 = "Choose a letter: ";
                + "%s\n"
                + "\t%s\n"
                + "\t%s\n"
                + "%s",heading1, heading2, menu1,
                         menu2, menu3, menu4);
        choice =;
        return choice;
//====================void runGame()========================
    private static void runGame()
      int sum =0;
      int cardCount=0;
      String[] cards = new String[4];
      while (sum != 24 || cardCount != 4)
          if(sum > 24 || cardCount > 3)
          int suitIndex = getRandomSuit();
          int rankIndex = getRandomRank();
          cards[cardCount] = getSpecifiedCard(rankIndex, suitIndex);
          System.out.println("Points = " + (rankIndex + 1));
          sum += rankIndex + 1;
      for (int deck =0; deck < cards.length; deck++)
          System.out.println(cards[deck] + " = " + deck + " points");
      System.out.println("sum = " + sum);
    public static String getSpecifiedCard(int rankIndex, int suitIndex)
        return rank[rankIndex] + " of " + suit[suitIndex];
    public static String getRandomCard()
        int suitIndex = getRandomSuit();
        int rankIndex = getRandomRank();
        return rank[rankIndex] + " of " + suit[suitIndex];
    public static int getRandom()
        return(int) (Math.random() * 52);
    public static int getRandomSuit()
        return getRandom() /13;
    public static int getRandomRank()
        return getRandom() %13;


Expert Solution

import java.util.Random;

public class rough {

  public static void main(String args[]) {

    String[] numbers = {















    String[] suit = { "Hearts", "Spades", "Clubs", "Diamonds" };

    String[] result = new String[4];

    int card_number, card_suit, total = 0;

    boolean flag;

    Random rand = new Random();

    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {

      flag = false;

      card_number = rand.nextInt(13);

      card_suit = rand.nextInt(4);

      String temp = numbers[card_number] + " of " + suit[card_suit];

      for (int j = 0; j < i + 1; j++) {

        if (temp.equals(result[j])) flag = true;


      if (flag == true) i--; else {

        result[i] = temp;

        total += card_number + 1;




    System.out.println("Total value is " + total);





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