
In: Electrical Engineering

How to simulate BER vs SNR in matlab with increasing the number of users?

How to simulate BER vs SNR in matlab with increasing the number of users?


Expert Solution

clear all
close all
bit_count = 100000;
%no. of random bits to be generated for a single shot of BER calculation
SNR = 0: 1: 10; %Range of SNR over which to simulate
for k = 1: 1: length(SNR)
    tote = 0;
%total error bits
    totb = 0; %total bits
    while tote < 100 %until you get 100 errors
        rbits = round(rand(1,bit_count)); %generate random bits
        tx = -2*(rbits-0.5); % BPSK Modulation: Directly to Bipolar NRZ
        N0 = 1/10^(SNR(k)/10); %noise level
        rx = tx + sqrt(N0/2)*(randn(1,length(tx))+i*randn(1,length(tx)));
        rx2 = rx < 0;
% BPSK demodulator logic at the Receiver
        diff = rbits - rx2; % Calculate Bit Errors
        tote = tote + sum(abs(diff)); %total errors
        totb = totb + length(rbits); %total bits generated
    BER(k) = tote / totb;
% Calculate Bit Error Rate
hold on;
xlabel('Eb/No (dB)');
title('Eb/No(SNR) Vs BER plot for BPSK Modualtion in AWGN Channel');
thber = 0.5*erfc(sqrt(10.^(SNR/10)));
% Theoretical BER
grid on;
legend('Simulated Curve', 'Theoretical Curve');

All the best

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