
In: Computer Science

You are given an array of length n that is filled with two symbols (say 0...

You are given an array of length n that is filled with two symbols (say 0 and 1); all m copies of one symbol appear first, at the beginning of the array, followed by all n − m copies of the other symbol. You are to find the index of the first copy of the second symbol in time O(logm).

include: code,  proof of correctness, and runtime analysis  


Expert Solution

For this i have used the binary search feature to find the first index of second symbol

// Code

def code(arr,symbol1,symbol2):
if arr[mid]==symbol1:
return right+1

print("first index of second symbol :",code(arr,arr[0],arr[len(arr)-1]))

print("first index of second symbol :",code(arr,arr[0],arr[len(arr)-1]))

print("first index of second symbol :",code(arr,arr[0],arr[len(arr)-1]))


  • input

first index of second symbol : 6                                                                                                                                             

first index of second symbol : 6                                                                                                                                             

first index of second symbol : 3                                                                                                                                             



...Program finished with exit code 0                                                                                                                                         

Press ENTER to exit console.              

Code is being verified for various inputs


at iteration 1 : length of array =n

at iteration 2 : length of array =n/2

at iteration 3 : length of array =n/4

at iteration 4 : length of array =n/8

at iteration k : length of array =

Applying log function on both sides:

 log2 (n) = log2 (2k)
 log2 (n) = k log2 (2)
As (loga (a) = 1)


 k = log2 (n)





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