
In: Computer Science

Given an array A[1..n] of integers - all of whose numbers are in the range [0,...

Given an array A[1..n] of integers - all of whose numbers are in the range [0, n^3 − 1] give an
algorithm which sorts them in O(n) time.


Expert Solution

Yes, There is algorthim by which we can sort array whoes number are in range [0,n^3-1].The idea is Radix Sort.


1) do the following for each digit i where i varies from least significant digit to the most significant digit


sort array using counting sort or any stable sorting algo according to ith digit(3 time in this case).


okay now let there is d digit in input array and radix sort takes 0(x*(n+b)) where b is base like in decimal system b=10. n^3-1 is the maximum number.

The value of d will be 0(3*logb(n)) for b base (n3-1=bd)

.so overall time complexity will be approx 0(logb(n)*(n+b))

let base be n the overall complexity will be 0(1*(n+n)) since lognn =1.

so overall it become 0(n).

function sort(int arr[],int n)


countsort(arr,n,1);//counting sort for first digit in base pass exp as n0=1

countsort(arr,n,n);//counting sort for second digit in base pass exp as n1

countsort(arr,n,n^2);//counting sort for third digit in base pass exp as n2


// study about radix sort and it will be more clear.

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