In: Operations Management
Can you explain in detail of plan scope management ?
a)which knowledge areas belongs to ? Why
b)Define and explain each input and output of plan scope management relation with the other processes of the related knowledge area.
c) Can you explain plan scope management in relation with the other processes of the related knowledge area.
I want more information about this 3 question. It should be like essay
Answer a) Plan Scope Management belongs to the Project Scope Management Knowledge Area. The Plan Scope Management is the guide that provides the direction on management of the scope throughout the project lifecycle. The scope management plan documents the ways of defining, developing, validating, monitoring and controlling the scope of the project and product.
Answer b) The scope management plan takes inputs from the project charter which has the high level understanding of the project and the project's result. The components of project management plan such as the quality management plan, project life cycle description and development approach are other inputs to the development of scope management plan as the organization’s quality policies, project phases and development methodology influences the management of scope. The enterprise environmental factors (organization’s culture, infrastructure, marketplace conditions and personnel administration) and organizational process assets (policies, procedures, historical information and lessons learned repositories) are inputs to development of scope management plan.
The Plan Scope Management process creates two management plans – Scope Management Plan and Requirements Management Plan. The scope management plan includes the process of scope statement preparation, process of the work breakdown structures (WBS) creation, process of approving and maintaining scope baseline and process of getting acceptance of project deliverables. The requirements management plan deals with the ways to analyze, document and manage the requirements of the project and product.
Answer c) Other processes of Project Scope Management are: