In: Electrical Engineering
Your team’s task for this project is to simulate an NMOS transistor, compute the DC operating point and then design a bias network to properly operate the transistor in saturation. The transistor you will use is described by the spice model below:
.model NMOS0P5 NMOS(Level=1 VTO=0.7 GAMMA=0.5 PHI=0.8
+ LD=0.08E-06 WD=0 UO=460 LAMBDA=0.001 TOX=9.5E-9 PB=0.9 CJ=0.57E-3
+ CJSW=120E-12 MJ=0.5 MJSW=0.4 CGDO=0.4E-9 JS=10E-9 CGBO=0.38E-9
+ CGSO=0.4E-9)
.SUBCKT NMOS0P5 1 2 3 4
M 1 2 3 4 NMOS0P5 W=5u L=0.5u
.model NMOS0P5 NMOS(Level=1 VTO=0.7 GAMMA=0.5 PHI=0.8
+ LD=0.08E-06 WD=0 UO=460 LAMBDA=0.001 TOX=9.5E-9 PB=0.9 CJ=0.57E-3
+ CJSW=120E-12 MJ=0.5 MJSW=0.4 CGDO=0.4E-9 JS=10E-9 CGBO=0.38E-9
+ CGSO=0.4E-9)
In ltSPICE use the NMOS4 schematic component and a SPICE directive to properly load your model. In multisim use the component wizard and the MOS_N_4T schematic component. (see Figure 1 for proper multisim component creation). If you are using online simulator, simply use a ‘NMOS’ device and input the Vt, Kn’ (shown as Kp) and W/L in the right side menu.
Figure 1. Custom component model
NOTE: for NMOS4 and MOS_N_4T you must connect the base to your source terminal as seen in Figure 3.
Figure 2. NMOS4 component
For the first part, you are to use the saturation equation for an NMOS with a Vt = 0.7V, Kn’ of 2.469 x10-4 and a W/L of 10 (use 0.5u for L 5u for W in your simulation) to get a ID of 4 mA. Once you find you VOV value solve for your VGS. Once your have your VGS simulate the I/V curve you are familiar with using DC sweep on VDS (start at 0V finish at 5V with 0.5V steps) and a fixed Vgs that you found using your equation. If you are using you can simply show a transient line graph of 4mA Id.
For the second part, you are to find resistor values in the configuration shown in figure 3 to achieve the VGS you solved for analytically in part 1 (use resistors in the 100k-1000 kOhm range for RG1-2) as well as a VD of 3V so that the transistor is operating in saturation. (use the DC operating point simulation to find these values, use VDD = 5V).
Lastly, if we are to operate this transistor in deep triode, what is the resistor value rds?
Figure 3. Classical bias NMOS configuration
In summary:
Find VGS analytically
Graph the I/V curve at this VGS using DC Sweep
Find RG1 RG2 and RD for a VD of 3V
Show the DC Operating Point in saturation
Find rds analytically
TSPICE simulation)
b)I/V curve
--- Operating Point ---
V(n003): 2.05295 voltage
V(n002): 2.5 voltage
V(n001): 5 voltage
Id(M1): 0.0058941 device_current
Ig(M1): 0 device_current
Ib(M1): -2.06295e-012 device_current
Is(M1): -0.0058941 device_current
I(R3): 2.27273e-005 device_current
I(R2): 2.27273e-005 device_current
I(R1): 0.0058941 device_current
I(V1): -0.00591683 device_current