In: Psychology
From the perspective of sociological imagination as per Mills it can be stated that public or an individual faces a social problem or personal issue due to external factors than one which belongs to his personal reason. Let us take homelessness as an example here. Homelessness , if not considered under sociological imagination can be seen as an issue which happens due to ones weakness and laziness with respecting to earning a living. However the aspect is completely different when considered under sociological imagination. It can be clearly stated that external factors such as poverty, unemployment, failure in care system are the ones which are found responsible for increasing homelessness. This issue when taken in a sociological imagination level can be resolved on a macro level with government intervention by implementing strong policies in favour of eradicating or minimizing external factors such as unemployment, poverty etc. Thus it shall be concluded that the link between sociological imagination and homelessness is very much strong and can be resolved only at a macro level through policies.