
In: Physics

Two astronauts floating at rest with respect to their ship in space decide to play catch...

Two astronauts floating at rest with respect to their ship in space decide to play catch with a 2-kg asteroid. Joe (whose mass is 100 kg) throws the asteroid at 20 m/s toward Jesse (whose mass is 68 kg). She catches it and throws it back at 18 m/s (with respect to the ship). What is Joe's speed right after his first throw? m/s What is Jesse's speed right after her first catch? m/s What is Jesse's speed right after her first throw? m/s What is Joe's speed right after his first catch? m/s


Expert Solution

Mass of Joe = mJoe = 100 kg

Mass of Asteroid = masteroid = 2 kg

Mass of Jesse = mJesse = 68 kg

Speed of Joe = vJoe

Speed of Asteroid = vasteroid

Speed of Jesse = vJesse

Initially all the three bodies are at rest relative to the space ship. So, the total linear momentum is zero.

Hence, throughout the catching and throwing the total momentum of the three body system would be zero, that is,

(mJoe) (vJoe) + (masteroid) (vasteroid )+ (mJesse) (vJesse) = 0 …………………(Equation 1)

Using the above equation for Joe’s 1st throw, we have,

( 100 kg) (vJoe) + ( 2 kg ) (20 m/s) + ( 68 kg) (0) = 0 [Since Jesse is still at rest, so vJesse = 0]

=> ( 100 kg) (vJoe) + 40 kg m/s = 0

=> ( 100 kg) (vJoe) = - 40 kg m/s

=> vJoe =

=> vJoe = - 0.4 m/s

Therefore, speed of Joe just after 1st throw would be 0.4 m/s away from Jesse and speed of asteroid is 20 m/s towards Jesse.

Again, using equation 1 for Jesse’s 1st catch, we have,

( 100 kg) (- 0.4 m/s) + ( 2 kg ) (vasteroid )+ ( 68 kg) (vJesse) = 0

Now both the asteroid and Jesse would have the same speed, v as they can be considered as a single entity.

Therefore, the above equation reduces to,

- 40 kg m/s + ( 2 kg ) (v)+ ( 68 kg) (v) = 0

=> - 40 kg m/s + (70 kg ) (v) = 0

=> (70 kg ) (v) = 40 kg m/s

=> v =

=> v = 4/7 m/s

=> v = 0.57 m/s

So, the speed of both Jesse and asteroid is 0.57 m/s away from Joe

Again using equation 1 for Jesse’s 1st throw, we have,

( 100 kg) (- 0.4 m/s) + ( 2 kg ) (- 18 m/s )+ ( 68 kg) (vJesse) = 0 [ -18 m/s for asteroid as it is moving towards Joe]

=> -40 kg m/s -36 kg m/s + ( 68 kg) (vJesse) = 0

=> - 76 kg m/s + ( 68 kg) (vJesse) = 0

=> ( 68 kg) (vJesse) = 76 kg m/s

=> vJesse =

=> vJesse = 1.12 m/s

So, after Jesse’s 1st throw her speed would be 1.12 m/s away from Joe.

Now, using equation 1 for Joe’s 1st catch, we have,

( 100 kg) (vJoe) + ( 2 kg ) (vasteroid )+ ( 68 kg) (76/68 m/s) = 0

Both Joe and asteroid would be moving with the same speed, v’ after Joe’s 1st catch.

=> (100 kg ) ( v’) + ( 2 kg) ( v’) + 68 kg m/s = 0

=> ( 102 kg ) (v’) + 68 kg m/s = 0

=> ( 102 kg) (v’) = - 68 kg m/s

=> v’ =

=> v’ = - 0.67 m/s

So, after Joe’s 1st catch his speed would be 0.67 m/s away from Jesse.

To summarize,

Joe’s speed after his 1st throw = 0.4 m/s

Jesse’s speed after her 1st catch = 0.57 m/s

Jesse’s speed after her 1st throw = 1.12 m/s

Joe’s speed after his 1st catch = 0.67 m/s

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