
In: Computer Science

C++ Create a program that simulates a coin being flipped. Ask the user to guess between...


Create a program that simulates a coin being flipped. Ask the user to guess between heads and tails. Let the user input 0 for heads and 1 for tails.

Use a random generator to get random guesses every time.

If the user guesses correctly, give them 1pt. Use a counter and initialize it to 0.  

If the user does not guess correctly, subtract a point.

Create a menu that allows the user to continue guessing, view the current score or quit guessing.

Note: You can use classes, pointers... Do not go beyond that. Keep code simple.


Expert Solution

using namespace std;
int coinToss(void) {
    int flip;
    flip = rand()%2  ;
    return flip;
int main()
int flip,Count=0,errorCount=0,guess,score=0,choice;

cout<< "press 1 to continue guessing: "<< endl;
cout<< "press 2 to view the current score: "<< endl;
cout<< "press 3 to quit guessing: "<< endl;
cout<< "enter your choice:"<< endl;
cin>> choice;
switch(choice) {
case 1:
cout<<" enter 0 to guess head or enter 1 to guess tail ";
cin >> guess;

flip = coinToss();
if(flip == 0)
cout<< "the result is head" << endl;
cout<< "the result is tail"<< endl;
if(flip == guess)
    cout<< " your guess is correct" << endl;
Count += 1;
} else {
    cout<< " your guess is wrong" << endl;
errorCount += 1;

case 2:
score = score + (Count *1) -(errorCount *1);
cout<< "your current score is " << score << endl;
case 3:
cout<< "Thank You for your participation" << endl;
return 0;

Sample Output :

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