
In: Operations Management

Who do you want to share your cubicle with and why? Traditionalist/Veterans (born 1922-1945) Baby Boomers...

Who do you want to share your cubicle with and why?

Traditionalist/Veterans (born 1922-1945)

Baby Boomers (born 1946-1964)

Generation X (born 1965-1982)

Generation Y (born 1983-1997)


Expert Solution

I would love to share my cubicle with Baby Boomers because I wish to tap upon their experience and knowledge for my guidance in the career path. I strongly believe that the intellectual capital is the only asset that may help a Company to survive in the industry and also to develop a competitive edge over others in the market. The innovation in technology, customer service, efficiency in operations management, is all the resultant of intellectual capital only and hence it needs to be enhanced across the Organization with gravity and content.

The Baby Boomers could be on the verge of retirement but their past experiences shall throw some light about how to carefully go about in future. I would hence like to seek their intellectual advices to help me with my work in an efficient manner. Knowledge earned can never be considered as knowledge wasted. They may not be technologically sounder than me but I shall appreciate their knowledge and understanding of the basic concepts in my field. I have always sought for an elderly figure to support me with my activities, to guide me as Teacher and sharing a cubicle shall help such a Baby Boomer, to also be my friend too.

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