
In: Computer Science

implement the Queue ADT using the linked list approach #include "QueueLinked.h" template QueueLinked::QueueNode::QueueNode(const DataType& nodeData, QueueNode*...

implement the Queue ADT using the linked list approach

#include "QueueLinked.h"

QueueLinked::QueueNode::QueueNode(const DataType& nodeData, QueueNode* nextPtr)

QueueLinked::QueueLinked(int maxNumber = Queue::MAX_QUEUE_SIZE)

QueueLinked::QueueLinked(const QueueLinked& other)

QueueLinked& QueueLinked::operator=(const QueueLinked& other)


void QueueLinked::enqueue(const DataType& newDataItem) throw (logic_error)

DataType QueueLinked::dequeue() throw (logic_error)
   DataType temp;
   return temp;

void QueueLinked::clear()

bool QueueLinked::isEmpty() const
   return false;

bool QueueLinked::isFull() const
   return false;

void QueueLinked::putFront(const DataType& newDataItem) throw (logic_error)

DataType QueueLinked::getRear() throw (logic_error)
   DataType temp;
   return temp;

int QueueLinked::getLength() const

void QueueLinked::showStructure() const
QueueNode *p; // Iterates through the queue

if ( isEmpty() )
   cout << "Empty queue" << endl;
   cout << "Front\t";
   for ( p = front ; p != 0 ; p = p->next )
   if( p == front )
       cout << '[' << p->dataItem << "] ";
       cout << p->dataItem << " ";
   cout << "\trear" << endl;


// QueueLinked.h


using namespace std;

#include "Queue.h"

class QueueLinked : public Queue {
QueueLinked(int maxNumber = Queue::MAX_QUEUE_SIZE);
QueueLinked(const QueueLinked& other);
QueueLinked& operator=(const QueueLinked& other);

void enqueue(const DataType& newDataItem) throw (logic_error);
DataType dequeue() throw (logic_error);

void clear();

bool isEmpty() const;
bool isFull() const;

// Programming Exercise 2
void putFront(const DataType& newDataItem) throw (logic_error);
DataType getRear() throw (logic_error);
// Programming Exercise 3
int getLength() const;

void showStructure() const;

class QueueNode {
   QueueNode(const DataType& nodeData, QueueNode* nextPtr);

   DataType dataItem;
   QueueNode* next;

QueueNode* front;
QueueNode* back;


// QueueLinked.h

#include <stdexcept>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

#include "Queue.h"

template <typename DataType>
class QueueLinked : public Queue<DataType> {
QueueLinked(int maxNumber = Queue<DataType>::MAX_QUEUE_SIZE);
QueueLinked(const QueueLinked& other);
QueueLinked& operator=(const QueueLinked& other);

void enqueue(const DataType& newDataItem) throw (logic_error);
DataType dequeue() throw (logic_error);

void clear();

bool isEmpty() const;
bool isFull() const;

// Programming Exercise 2
void putFront(const DataType& newDataItem) throw (logic_error);
DataType getRear() throw (logic_error);
// Programming Exercise 3
int getLength() const;

void showStructure() const;

class QueueNode {
   QueueNode(const DataType& nodeData, QueueNode* nextPtr);

   DataType dataItem;
   QueueNode* next;

QueueNode* front;
QueueNode* back;


Expert Solution


using namespace std;

#include "Queue.h"

class QueueLinked : public Queue {
QueueLinked(int maxNumber = Queue::MAX_QUEUE_SIZE);
QueueLinked(const QueueLinked& other);
QueueLinked& operator=(const QueueLinked& other);

void enqueue(const DataType& newDataItem) throw (logic_error);
DataType dequeue() throw (logic_error);

void clear();

bool isEmpty() const;
bool isFull() const;

// Programming Exercise 2
void putFront(const DataType& newDataItem) throw (logic_error);
DataType getRear() throw (logic_error);
// Programming Exercise 3
int getLength() const;

void showStructure() const;

class QueueNode {
   QueueNode(const DataType& nodeData, QueueNode* nextPtr);

   DataType dataItem;
   QueueNode* next;

QueueNode* front;
QueueNode* back;


// QueueLinked.h

#include <stdexcept>
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

#include "Queue.h"

template <typename DataType>
class QueueLinked : public Queue<DataType> {
QueueLinked(int maxNumber = Queue<DataType>::MAX_QUEUE_SIZE);
QueueLinked(const QueueLinked& other);
QueueLinked& operator=(const QueueLinked& other);

void enqueue(const DataType& newDataItem) throw (logic_error);
DataType dequeue() throw (logic_error);

void clear();

bool isEmpty() const;
bool isFull() const;

// Programming Exercise 2
void putFront(const DataType& newDataItem) throw (logic_error);
DataType getRear() throw (logic_error);
// Programming Exercise 3
int getLength() const;

void showStructure() const;

class QueueNode {
   QueueNode(const DataType& nodeData, QueueNode* nextPtr);

   DataType dataItem;
   QueueNode* next;

QueueNode* front;
QueueNode* back;

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