
In: Computer Science

Using the linked list abstract data type “Queue ADT”, write a menu dirven user interfece to...

Using the linked list abstract data type “Queue ADT”, write a menu dirven user interfece to teach each of the operations in the ADT. Any errors discovered during the processing should be printed as a part of the test result. Please Use C++ language.


Expert Solution

// ---- Queue.cpp ------
* Testing all the operations that can be done by Queue ADT in cpp
* queue is in built implemented in cpp
* to use queue use #include<queue> to import it.
* operations are:
*    enqueue() --> push() in queue adt.
*    dequeue() --> pop() in queue adt.
*    front()   -> returns reference of the front of the queue.
*    back()   -> returns the reference of end of the queue
*    size() -> returns the size of the queue
*   empty() -> returns whethere queue is empty or not.

using namespace std;
//function that checks the cin stream for
//any invalid input format is given like giving string for number as input.
bool isInvalidInput()
       //clear the buffer.
       return true;
   return false;
//display menu to user.
void menu()
   cout<<"\n1. Enqueue a value"<<endl;
   cout<<"2. Dequeue a value"<<endl;
   cout<<"3. Front element in queue"<<endl;
   cout<<"4. Back element in queue"<<endl;
   cout<<"5. Print Queue"<<endl;
   cout<<"0. Exit"<<endl;
   cout<<"Enter your choice: ";
//print the queue and it's values.
void print(queue<int> q)
   cout<<"\nQueue : \n";
   queue<int> temp = q;
       cout<<"\nQueue is Empty"<<endl;
       cout<<temp.front()<<" ";
//function that prompts the user with given message
//and returns the valid input that is an integer not text.
int getInt(string prompt)
   bool isValid = false;
   int val;
       cin >> val;
           cout<<"\nInvalid Input. Try Again"<<endl;
           isValid = true;
   return val;
int main()
   //create queue object. it takes a data type.
   queue<int> list;
   int choice = 1;
   int val;
       cin >> choice ;
           choice = -1;
           case 1:
               val = getInt("Enter value to Enqueue: ");
               //call push to enqueue the value.
           case 2:
           //get size of the queue.
               if(list.size() > 0)
                   //store the front() of the queue to display
                   val = list.front();
                   //pop the value from queue
                   cout<<"\nValue Dequeued from queue: "<<val<<endl;
                   cout<<"\nQueue is Empty"<<endl;
           case 3:
               if(list.size() > 0)
                   //get front() of the queue.
                   val = list.front();
                   cout<<"\nValue at Front of the queue: "<<val<<endl;
                   cout<<"\nQueue is Empty"<<endl;
           case 4:
               if(list.size() > 0)
                   val = list.back();
                   cout<<"\nValue at Back of the queue: "<<val<<endl;
                   cout<<"\nQueue is Empty"<<endl;
           case 5:
           //call print() method to print the queue.
           case 0:
               cout<<"\nInvalid Input. Try again\n";
   }while(choice != 0);

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