
In: Computer Science

LISP Programming Language Write a Bubble Sort program in the LISP Programming Language called “sort” that...

LISP Programming Language

Write a Bubble Sort program in the LISP Programming Language called “sort” that sorts the array below in ascending order.  LISP is a recursive language so the program will use recursion to sort. Since there will be no loops, you will not need the variables i, j, and temp, but still use the variable name array for the array to be sorted.

            Array to be sorted is 34, 56, 4, 10, 77, 51, 93, 30, 5, 52

The program should:

  1. Invoke your LISP sort function by (sort '(34 56 4 10 77 51 93 30 5 52))
  2. Use the Bubble Sort Algorithm to sort the array in ascending order
  3. LISP will automatically display the array when the sort function completes

The output should look like the following:

Welcome to DrRacket, version 5.3.4 [3m].

Language: racket; memory limit: 128 MB.

'(4 5 10 30 34 51 52 56 77 93)



Expert Solution


(defun bubble (n)

       (format t "<<Bubble Sort for ~D numbers>> -> ~&" n)

       (bubbleread n)

       (do ((i 0 (+ i 1))) ((= i (- n 1)))

         (do ((j 0 (+ j 1))) ((= j (- (- n i) 1)))


             (if (> (aref arr j) (aref arr (+ j 1) ) )

                 (swap j (+ j 1))






       (bubblewrite n)


(defun bubbleread(n)

       (setf arr (make-array n))

       (format t "Enter the numbers ~&")

       (dotimes (x n t)

           (setf (aref arr x) (read))



(defun bubblewrite(n)

       (dotimes (x n t)

           (print (aref arr x))



(defun swap(x y)

       (setf temp (aref arr x))

       (setf (aref arr x) (aref arr y))

       (setf (aref arr y) temp)


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