
In: Computer Science

Give one example that will show that pass by value, pass by Reference, pass by name,...

Give one example that will show that pass by value, pass by Reference, pass by name, pass by value result are all different.


Expert Solution


pass by value:

void incrementCount(int count)//pass by value


  count=count+1;//increments the value of count inside the function


int main()


  int count=0;// initialze the variable count

  int result=0;//  initialze the variable result

  incrementCount(count);//call increment function

  cout<<"Pass by value\n";


  cout<<count;//prints the value of count after the function call

  return 0;


pass by reference

void incrementCount(int & count)//& to pass by reference


  count=count+1;//increments the value of count


int main()


  int count=0;//initialize the variable count

  int result=0;// initialize the variable result

  incrementCount(count);//increment value of count

  cout<<"Pass by Reference\n";


  cout<<count;//prints count after the function call

  return 0;


pass by name:

real procedure Sum(j, lo, hi, Ej);
  value lo, hi;
  integer j, lo, hi; real Ej;
  real S;
  S := 0;
  for j := lo step 1 until hi do
    S := S + Ej;
  Sum := S

pass by value result:

#include <iostream>
#include <string.h>
using namespace std;

void swap(int a, int b)

  int temp;
    temp = a;
    a = b;
    b = temp;

int main()
  int value = 2;
  int  list[5] = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9};

  swap(value, list[0]);

  cout << value << "   " << list[0] << endl;

  swap(list[0], list[1]);

  cout << list[0] << "   " << list[1] << endl;

  swap(value, list[value]);

  cout << value << "   " << list[value] << endl;


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