
In: Computer Science

Write a MIPS program using the Bubble Sort algorithm, that sorts an input list of integers...

Write a MIPS program using the Bubble Sort algorithm, that sorts an input list of integers by repeatedly calling a “swap” subroutine.

The original unsorted list of integers should be received from the keyboard input. Your program should first prompt the user “Please input an integer for the number of elements:”. After the user enters a number and return, your program outputs message “Now input each element and then a return:”. For example, if the user enters 5 as the number of integers, and then the sequence of integers one by one: 1,-2, 3, 3, -4, it should display “The elements are sorted as: -4, -2, 1, 3, 3” (the output sequence of integers should be either space-separated or comma-separated).

The final sorted list (increasing order) should be stored in the data area, that starts with the label "list:".


Expert Solution

array: .space 100   
size: .asciiz "Enter size: "
int: .asciiz "Enter int: "
final: .asciiz "\nSorted: "



la $a0,size                       
li $v0,4

li $v0,5

move $s1, $v0                      
sub $s1,$s1,1                       


la $a0,int                     
li $v0,4

li $v0,5        

move $t3,$v0                        
add $t1,$zero,$zero                 
sll $t1,$t0,2                       

sw $t3,array ( $t1 )                
addi $t0,$t0,1                      
slt $t1,$s1,$t0                     
beq $t1,$zero,addint                

la $a0,array                        
addi $a1,$s1,1                      

jal bubble_sort                            

la $a0,final 
li $v0,4

la $t0,array                        
li $t1,0                            

lw $a0,0($t0)                       
li $v0,1

addi $t0,$t0,4                      
addi $t1,$t1,1                      
slt $t2,$s1,$t1                     
beq $t2,$zero,print                 

li $v0,10                           

li $t0,0                            


addi $t0,$t0,1                      
bgt $t0,$a1,end                  
add $t1,$a1,$zero                   


bge $t0,$t1,loop1                  

subi $t1,$t1,1                      

sll $t4, $t1, 2                     
subi $t3, $t4, 4                    

add $t4,$t4,$a0                     
add $t3,$t3,$a0                     
lw $t5,0($t4)
lw $t6,0($t3)

bgt $t5,$t6,loop2                   
sw $t5,0($t3)                       
sw $t6,0($t4)
j loop2

jr $ra

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