
In: Computer Science

Scheme is a dialect of a programming language called Lisp, which was developed at MIT in...

Scheme is a dialect of a programming language called Lisp, which was developed at MIT in 1959. Alice 1.0 was released in 2006 from CMU, and Python in 1994. Based on what you know of the Scheme language, describe the major differences between how it works and how Alice or Python works. What advantages might Scheme have over Alice/Python? What advantages might Alice/Python have over Scheme?


Expert Solution

Work of Scheme :

It a good programming language or it is changeable programming language. i.e it can be wloborated or extended quite easily. This language is mostly interactive and give you access to develop and test the parts of the program.

Work of Python : Python is a high level programming language which has in built modules which helps us to import directly while coding and it has several data types which helps us to make difference of it.

Advantages of scheme over Alice/Python :

1. Scoping of lexial and proper closures are supported.

2. The function lambda is used to define the function like a stranger

3. It has been supported by IEEE.

4. We can easily program the code in functional style

5. It will support macros

6. Native code compilaations has been supported fairly

Advantages of python over Alice/Python :

1. It has a standard obj system

2. It has many builtin functions which made easier to code a program

3. There are several builtin data types

4. It has a syntax of mainstream relatively

5. We can easily extend the modules in the programming language

6. It has a loops or control structures like while loop and for loop.


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