
In: Chemistry

Suppose you carried out the catalyst trial. Could you calculate, from your data, the value of...

Suppose you carried out the catalyst trial. Could you calculate, from your data, the value of Ea
for the reaction catalyzed by copper? If not, what additional experimental data would you
require in order to be able to do this? Would the value of Ea be greater or less than that
obtained for the uncatalyzed reaction? Explain. Please type your answers.


Expert Solution

The energy of activation for a catalysed reaction can be calculated if the activation energy of the uncatalysed reaction is known. The values of the rate constants for both the catalysed and uncatalysed reaction are calculated experimentally. The following derivation gives the final formula for the calculation of activation energy.

The catalyst increases the rate of reaction by providing a different path to the reaction. This means that it lowers the energy barrier i.e activation energy of the reaction of the reaction to give the product at a faster rate.


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