In: Statistics and Probability
Overview of the Study: The data are based on a Comprehensive School Reform (CSR) Initiative that focused on the improvement of reading and writing for students in the primary grade. The school received a grant from the state which was used to strengthen classroom teachers’ instructional skills. The regression outputs present information for students in the school.
Description of the variables: Please use the following description/coding to help you in your analyses.
Gender: female; 1 male=0
EnrollmentStatus: 0 - Not General Education; 1 General Education Students
CSR Participant: 1 -Taught by a teacher who was part of the comprehensive school reform professional development experience; 0- taught by a teacher who was NOT part of the comprehensive school reform professional development experience
Reading score: Reading assessment score
Question 1: What is the impact of gender on writing vocabulary?
Question 2: What is the relative impact of gender and enrollment status on writing vocabulary?
Question 3: How well does the linear combination of variables in Output 3 explain writing vocabulary?
Question 4: Based on your answers to Questions 1 2, and 3; what are your recommendations to the school principal?
Regression 2 – Question 2
Variables Entered/Removed b Model Variables Entered Variables Removed Method dimension 0 1 Enrollment Status, Gendera . Enter a. All requested variables entered. b. Dependent Variable: Writing
Vocabulary Model Summary Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the Estimate dimension0 1 .413a .171 .132 13.867 a. Predictors: (Constant), Enrollment Status, Gender
ANOVA b Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig. 1 Regression 1704.577 2 852.288 4.432 .018a Residual 8268.901 43 192.300 Total 9973.478 45 a. Predictors: (Constant), Enrollment Status, Gender b. Dependent Variable: Writing Vocabulary
Coefficientsa Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized Coefficients t Sig. B Std. Error Beta 1 (Constant) 30.783 3.842 8.012 .000 Gender -10.388 4.093 -.353 -2.538 .015 Enrollment Status -6.930 4.157 -.232 -1.667 .025 a. Dependent Variable: Writing Vocabulary
Corporate social responsibility refers to the many of the companies in the today’s society are managing their companies to possess to make the positive results on society. CSR also helps the companies to act ethically while improving their quality of work in the workplace. At present many of the companies are pursuing the corporate social responsibility as their overall strategy to obtain the competitive advantage more than one ways like it helps to reduce the business cost and save the money, differentiate our business with the competitor business, all attract the employees by offering the best benefits and also attract the customers. Many of the people had carried out the survey to get the reasons for adopting the corporate social responsibility and the results have proved that they are adopting for the above reasons. IKEA and the Amazon are the two companies who had adopted the corporate social responsibility and gained many positive results. Along with these two companies Starbucks, Microsoft and Disney also adopted the CSR.