
In: Computer Science

Design a class named Student that contains the followingprivate instance variables: A string data field name...

Design a class named Student that contains the followingprivate instance variables:

  • A string data field name for the student name.

  • An integer data field id for the student id.

  • A double data field GPA for the student GPA.

  • An integer data field registeredCredits.

    It contains the following methods:

  • An empty default constructor.

  • A constructor that creates a student record with a specified id and


  • The get and set methods for id, name, GPA, and


  • A method called registerCredit that adds specified amount of

    credits to the student.

  • A method called withdrawCredit that withdraws specified

    amount of credits from the student.

  1. Implement the class.

  2. Write a test program that creates a student account using your

    name and id. Set all the variables information to your student information (GPA, and registered credits). Use the registerCreditmethod to add 9 more credits. Use the method withdrawCreditto withdraw 3 credits. Then prints out all the student information:name, id, GPA, and registerdCredits.

    Sample Output:
    Enter your GPA: 3.9
    Enter your registered credits: 30Student name: Sara
    Student ID: 12345678
    GPA: 3.9
    Registered credits: 36

    (( in java ))


Expert Solution


*Please follow the comments to better understand the code.

**Please look at the Screenshot below and use this code to copy-paste.

***The code in the below screenshot is neatly indented for better understanding.

class Student
private String name;
private int id;
private double gpa;
private int registeredCredits;

// Constructor
public Student(String name, int id) { = name; = id;

//Setter and getter
public String getName() {
return name;

public void setName(String name) { = name;

public int getId() {
return id;

public void setId(int id) { = id;

public double getGpa() {
return gpa;

public void setGpa(double gpa) {
this.gpa = gpa;

public int getRegisteredCredits() {
return registeredCredits;

public void setRegisteredCredits(int registeredCredits) {
this.registeredCredits = registeredCredits;
public void registerCredit(double amount)
registeredCredits += amount;

public void withdrawCredit(double amount)
registeredCredits -= amount;

import java.util.Scanner;

public class StudentTest
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Scanner scanner= new Scanner(;

        // create object
        Student student = new Student("Sara", 12345678);

        //read GPA
        System.out.print("Enter Your GPA: ");
        double gpa= scanner.nextDouble();

        //read Credits
        System.out.print("Enter Your registered credits: ");
        int credits= scanner.nextInt();

        // add credits

        //remove credits

        //print data
        System.out.println("Student name: "+student.getName());
        System.out.println("Student ID: "+student.getId());
        System.out.println("GPA: "+student.getGpa());
        System.out.println("Registered credits: "+student.getRegisteredCredits());



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