In: Operations Management
2) There are three factors that impact team effectiveness (composition, structural, processes). What are the most useful and important? explain why?
The high performance of any team do not just appear , they are
developed and nurtured. The development of team effectiveness takes
the combined effort of visionary leaders and motivated team
members. There are several factors within the organization itself
influence the team effectiveness, it may include organizational
culture, types of feedback mechanisms, level of autonomy etc. The
major three factors which impact the team effectiveness are team
composition, team structure, team process. I feel all these three
factors are most important and useful and they are interdependent.
Combined effort of all these factors will lead to development of
high performance teams
Team composition: activities within the team often reflect the
number and type of people who are team members. The combination of
team member attributes can have major influence on team process and
effectiveness. Team composition includes the skill sets, functional
ties, attitudes, personal interests and other characteristics of
the individual members who make up the team work. It is very
important to put the right set of individuals together with
relevant expertise in order to achieve the team goal and tasks and
also improve the team effectiveness.
structural factors: The structural factors which impact the team
effectiveness includes team or group type, size, and composition of
skills and abilities. Usually task determines the size of the team,
sometimes small teams are more productive than large ones
especially during less complex projects, Large teams enable shared
responsibility and accountability. Diversity on a team improves the
productivity but extends the process. Every team members should
have their role, it will keep the individuals to committed to their
work. One more thing we need to consider in the team structure is
Norms, are rules which have some amount of agreement and are
enforced through social sanctions, Norms will helps to establish
and control team members behavior.
Team process: The team process includes - trust development within
the team, facilitation, leadership communication, cultural norms,
roles cohesiveness, conflict resolution etc.