
In: Computer Science

LAB 7.1 MANAGING USER ACCOUNTS STEP 1. Open a terminal window in linux.                               &n


STEP 1. Open a terminal window in linux.


STEP 2. Execute the correct command to display user account information (including the login shell and home directory) for the bin account.


STEP 3. Execute the correct command to display user password information (including the encrypted password and password aging) for the bin account.


STEP 4. The command in step 3 should have failed. Execute the correct su command to change your account so the command from step 3 will be successful when executed.


STEP 5. Create a new user named jake and explicitly use options to create the home directory /home/jake for this user.


STEP 6. Set a password for the jake user to a password of your choosing.



STEP 7. Run the correct command to display the default values used when a new account is created.


STEP 8. Using the less command, display the file that contains the password aging defaults.


STEP 9. Using the less command, display the file that contains the default login shell.


STEP 10. Delete the jake user and his home directory, using a single command.


Expert Solution

STEP 1. Open a terminal window in linux.

Answer: You can do that by using the shortcut Ctrl + Alt+ T or by going to menu and finding terminal. YOu can even open terminal by right clicking and selecting terminal.   

STEP 2. Execute the correct command to display user account information (including the login shell and home directory) for the bin account.

less /etc/passwd
  • etc/passwd in Linux is a file that stores the list of users on the system along with important information regarding these users
  • less is a command that displays file contents or command output one page at a time in your terminal


STEP 3. Execute the correct command to display user password information (including the encrypted password and password aging) for the bin account.

less /etc/shadow

  • /etc/shadow file which contains the encrypted password information for UNIX / Linux user's accounts                 

STEP 4. The command in step 3 should have failed. Execute the correct su command to change your account so the command from step 3 will be successful when executed.

sudo less /etc/shadow

  • sudo (Super User DO) command in Linux is generally used as a prefix of some command that only superuser are allowed to run



STEP 5. Create a new user named jake and explicitly use options to create the home directory /home/jake for this user.

useradd -m jake -d /home/jake

  • 'useradd' command is a low-level utility that is used for adding/creating user accounts in Linux OS


STEP 6. Set a password for the jake user to a password of your choosing.

passwd jake

  • passwd command in Linux is used to change the user account passwords.                              


STEP 7. Run the correct command to display the default values used when a new account is created.

useradd -D

  • useradd -D command creates a new user account using the values specified on the command line plus the default values from the system. Depending on command line option

STEP 8. Using the less command, display the file that contains the password aging defaults.

chage -l jake | less

  • chage command changes the number of days between password changes and the date of the last password change



STEP 9. Using the less command, display the file that contains the default login shell.

echo $SHELL | less

  • echo command in linux is used to display line of text/string that are passed as an argument


STEP 10. Delete the jake user and his home directory, using a single command.

userdel --remove jake

  • The userdel command modifies the system account files, deleting all entries that refer to the user name LOGIN

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