
In: Economics

In your initial post, please address the following: Describe a situation, either personal or professional, where...

In your initial post, please address the following:

  • Describe a situation, either personal or professional, where you interacted with a member of a different cultural group. Identify the cultural group(s) to which you and the other person belonged.
    • Remember from lecture that culture involves not just ethnic groups or language differences, but can also include differences in values, beliefs, and norms that result from living in different parts of the same country or state! Culture is simply what a large group of people has in common.
  • Explain the differences in language, beliefs, values, norms, etc. that were noticeable in your interaction. Make sure to remain professional and nonjudgmental in your description.
  • Assess how the cultural differences that were noticeable in this interaction affected communication.
  • Finally, evaluate how you might have behaved differently in this situation given what you learned in class so far.

In order to engage in an active discussion environment, submit your initial discussion post by Wednesday.


Expert Solution

As a marketer, Sam had unique experience in designing of Advertising for Domino's in Indian context.

Culture is used by marketers to cater wide range kf products and markets. For example in India marketers tend to showcase food products which are Vegetarian and Vegan while the same in the UK and USA will also show non vegetarian foods only because of different cultures and ethnicities followed.

However this variable is very holistic and cannot be aggregated to arrive at consumers choice as Even Indians in some areas and regions prefer Non vegetarian food products and therefore when marketers focus only on certain aspects it can lead to elimination of vast set of targets audiences.

Here the common belief that Indians eat more often vegetarian food and prefer non vegetarian as tabol was completely misjudged as there are cultural differences with huge variance between Different Indian diaspora.

Sam here should have focussed not on products type but a common belief of price points which attracts Indians as they are price sensitive and look for discounts rather than varieties and quality.

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