
In: Psychology

When programs do not achieve their expected results, it’s due to one of two things: the...

When programs do not achieve their expected results, it’s due to one of two things: the program was not a good idea to begin with, or it was a good idea but was not implemented properly. Discuss thoroughly why it is necessary to conduct both a process evaluation and an impact evaluation to learn why a program failed.


Expert Solution

process evaluation of a program ensures if the activities are effectively implemented. Impact evaluation of a program meaures the effectiveness of the program to achieve its goals.

process evaluation can be conducted periodically throughout thee program and it starts by reviewing the activities and outputs. its results help in strengthening the ability of reporting on a program and using in improvement of further activities. it helps one to judge if the program is working or not and the extent to which it is implemented in the way it is designed. it provides a warning to teh problems that may occur. it Allows programs to monitor how well their program plans and activities are working.

Impact Evaluation is used During the operation of an existing program at appropriate intervals and at the end of the program. The degree to which the program meets its ultimate goal is found through this. it Provides evidence for use in policy and funding decisions.  

hence both of them are important so that the exact reason can be found and also so that it can be managed and the program can be used successfully.

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